27. Strategize

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Akane POV

After the match against Fukui High, we all head over to the stands to check out the cheering team that Yamamoto's little sister made.

It was a shock to the team that we were able to recruit a lot of people and to be honest, it was a bit of a shock for me as well. I knew we were able to recruit a good amount of people but I didn't realize that we got this many in the first place.

I look over to Akane. She notices me looking over to her and waves over to us. "So what did you guys think? Amazing right?"

"Not bad Akane," Yamamoto proudly says as he messes with her hair.

"Stop that Tora! I'm not a kid anymore!!" Akane scolds and shakes him away.

"I agree. It was a surprise that you guys found so many people to cheer for us. You three should be proud," Kuroo praises and Nanami sighs.

"I guess so but I was waving around a picket sign the whole time so I wouldn't say it was exactly a moment that I could be proud of," Nanami comments, and Kuroo bursts out laughing visualizing her with one.

I notice someone squeezing through the crowd and realize that it was Aoi. "I didn't see the whole match because I was a bit late but from what I did see you guys did good," he smiles. "You too Akane you did well."

"Thank Aoi-nii," I happily smile from his praise.

"Aoi is this your sister?" A pretty girl asks closing in on my face and I jolt back surprised as she gets closer to me.

Aoi chuckles. "Yah that's my sister."

"Awww she's so cute! She looks just like you!" She compliments.

I lightly blush embarrassed by her words. "May I ask your name?"

"My name is Alisa," she happily answers.

Yamamoto's mouth drops. "Another pretty girl!"

Yaku's eyes widen as he looks at Alisa then elbows Aoi on the arm. "How did you find such a cute girl? You're not dating her right?"

Aoi looks at Yaku with a dumbfounded look. "Huh? Of course not, we just meet each other and happen to sit next to each other for the match."

"Yosh I have a chance to impress," Yaku pumps his fist in relief and a sweatdrop falls behind the back of Aoi's head.

Alisa giggles. "Akane, your brother is a really nice person isn't he?"

I blink surprised by her sudden words and I let out a small chuckle. "Pffft, I guess so but once you get to know him you learn that he has his weird moments too."

Aoi turns to Alisa. "How about you Alisa? Where is he?"

Now that I think about it, why is she here? I never saw her before when we were recruiting people to join the Nekoma's cheer squad. Why is she here in the first place?

"Alisa!" Lev calls out after recognizing Alisa.

"Lyovochka!" Alisa happily greets Lev.

Yaku stares at the two of them in shock. "Are they dating?"

Kai scratches his chin. "Hmmm, I don't think that's the case."

"How do you two know each other?" I ask surprised by how friendly are.

Lev grins. "We're siblings. Alisa is my older sister." He grins.

Everyone's eyes widen. "Ehhhhh???"

Nanami shrugs. "You guys are over exaggerating. It's not that much of a surprise. I mean look at the two of them. They literally look alike." She says as she gestures to the two of their faces.

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