56. Surprise!

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Kenma POV

What exactly is going on?

I watch everyone in the team causally come into my house like they own the place. I didn't expect them here but I'm not surprised either. It seems like something they would do.

"Kenma!" Yamamoto shouts then wraps his arm around my neck. "How does it feel to be 17?"

I stare at him with a deadpan look as he strangles me with his arm. "The same as when I was 16. Not much differ—-"

"Surprise," Fukunaga says as he brings out a confetti popper in between us and pops it in front of our faces.

"!!!" The two of us flinch startled then turn to him in complete shock. "Why!?"

"Why not?" Fukunaga chuckles.

"Seems like you guys are getting along well with each other," Akane giggles.

"Not exactly," Yamamoto and I say at the same time then our gaze turns to Fukunaga who goes back to wearing his usual expression.

Lev overhears our conversation and decides to join in. "So today's your actual birthday right?" Lev asks me and I nod my head. "Hmmm...." he intensely stares at the four of us.

I frown. "Is there something wrong about that?"

He shakes his head and waves his arms in denial. "Nope! I was just wondering who's the oldest one here."

A sweatdrop falls behind the back of Akane's head. "But aren't we all your senpais at the end of the day?"

"Of course! But I was just curious!" Lev claims.

"Well my birthday is today," I tell him then glance over to Fukunaga, Akane, and Yamamoto, wondering when their birthdays are.

"My birthday was last month," Fukunaga answers.

"Eh? So Fukunaga is older than Kenma by a month," Akane says surprised by the unexpected answer. 

"Seriously..." Yamamoto mumbles in shock.

"Yamamoto, what about you?" Lev asks.

"... My birthday is coming up in February," Yamamoto answers, embarrassed.

"So you're the baby of the second years," Lev states.

"Pffft." Fukunaga and I let out a laugh hearing Lev's words.

A vein pops on Yamamoto's head. "I am not!" He angrily shouts and turns to Akane. "What about you Akane?"

"My birthday is in February too," Akane simply answers.

Yamamoto's head lifts up. "Really? What date?"

"February 14," Akane answers, and his head falls back down. 

"Seriously that's so cool your birthday is on Valentine's Day!" Lev praises. "When is your birthday Yamamoto?"

"I don't want to talk about," Yamamoto pouts. 

"Pfft. Someone's moping because they're the youngest one in the group," I tease and Fukunaga chuckles.

"I'm not! My birthday is February 22!" He shouts and Akane blinks surprised.

"Oh, so I am older than you. Hahaha, Yamamoto, you really are the youngest one," Akane giggles and an arrow painfully stabs Yamamoto on the chest.

"Now now," Kuroo suddenly appears from behind us and he pats me on the back. "Before we have any more fun. Let's all gather around and sing Happy birthday to the birthday boy!" He loudly announces as he drags me on the chair with a cake lit with a bunch of candles.

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