19. Constant Reminder

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Sometimes... You might feel like you're all aloneness the world. Maybe you feel lost, the nights are long. But every dark night brightens into a new day.

Check out the YouTube video with the piano music on the top of the chapter (just slide the rain background to see the video) ~ it goes along with the chapter ^^


Kenma POV

I search around the area for any signs of Akane but there was no way to know where she is.

I check my cellphone to see if anyone in the group chat has found her but it seems like no one has seen her yet. Where would she be?

"I feel bad for that girl."

"I wonder if she's deaf. She kept shouting how she couldn't hear. Poor thing was yelled at by that man."

My eyes widen as I overhear two mothers talk amongst themselves.

I walk over them. "This girl. Did she have blond hair and blue eyes?" I ask and they nod their heads. "Where did you last see this girl?"

Akane POV

I sit down and hug my knees close to me as I watch the rain pour down.

People say the rain is calming but it doesn't calm me down at all. Watching the rain fall soundlessly at the dark silent night frightens me.

How does the rain sound again? What did that man shout at me earlier say?

I clench my teeth as I try to keep my tears in and hug my knees closer to my chest.

I wasn't always deaf. There was a time when I was able to hear all the sounds in the world. Like the early mornings with the birds chirping, the late-night Japanese dramas I would watch with my mom, or even the times where Aoi would scold me for not taking out the trash. Small moments like that became precious and every time I remember those times, I am always overcome with the fear of forgetting the sounds in my memory.

No one knows how grateful they are for something until they lose it. For me, it wasn't until I lost my hearing that I realized how much of a blessing it is to hear any sound. Never will I forget the day I lost my hearing because of an accident.


It was about two years ago during my third year in middle school. Everyday Aoi would pick me up from school after he finished his archery club practice in Nekoma. He was never late. Yet one day, he texted me that he was going to stay longer with his friends.

I didn't mind waiting and messaged him for how long but he never responded. I remember sitting in the library bored as I stared at my cellphone then at the clock as the hours passed by.

Not wanting to be a burden, I decided to walk over to Nekoma High so he wouldn't have to come all the way here. I remember thinking to myself that I was a good little sister for helping my older brother that day. Yet things didn't turn out the way that I expected.

As I go through the busy streets in Tokyo, I coincidentally find Aoi with the members of the archery club. The expression on his face was so carefree. He seemed happy to be around his friends and for a moment, I felt like if I were to call out to him that I would be a bother.

"Aoi!" I shout as I wave to him from across the street.

I remember seeing him telling his friends that he needed to leave and crossed the street to meet with me. I was impatient and also crossed the street to meet up with him halfway. Yet what I can never forget was how there was a car driving ahead without stopping. The car's headlights shone brightly between the two of us.

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