49. Silence

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Akane POV
(3 years ago ~ Tsukinose Hospital)

As I lay down on the hospital bed, I watch the soundless J-drama on the television hanging on the wall. With my eyes glued to the show, I read through the subtitles, then rewind and look at the movement of their lips, hand gestures, and facial expressions to learn how to understand what they were saying.

My vision blurs after watching for so long but I slap my cheeks to keep myself awake as I continue learning how lip-read during my free time.

I need to perfect this so I can go back to school as if nothing happened—

I notice a shadow hover over me. I look up and see Aoi's eyes widen in concern when he notices my complexion. He takes out a notebook and pen.

Akane have you been getting sleep? You have bags under your eyes.

"... I'm watching J-drama to learn how to lip-read and understand people's facial expressions," I tell him after reading the notebook. "Why are you here early? Shouldn't you be in club practice?" 

Aoi purses his lips.

I don't need to attend club practice any more. I quit the team.

"Quit? Did you quit because of me!?" I yell.

I watch Aoi's mouth suddenly move fast, probably trying to explain himself, and grit my teeth frustrated. "I can't hear you Aoi," I coldly tell him.

Aoi realizes and quickly writes on the notebook again.

I did it because I wanted to.

"Liar," I mutter under my breath.

I know Aoi loves archery more than anything and for him to suddenly quit right after I got into the accident, he shouldn't be sacrificing his time to take care of me.


I ball my hands into a fist. Why does he have to do this? Is it because that I'm deaf that he has to start treating me like this? I want Aoi to do what he normally does, not be responsible and punish himself for what has happened to me. I hate this. I can take care of myself.

"Where are mom and dad?" I ask.

Mom and dad are working overtime.

"To pay for my hospital fees huh?" I bitterly say and the expression on Aoi's face saddens.

Don't say that Akane. They're doing their best.

"I know they are! They couldn't find the man who hit me so they have to pay out of pocket and work more hours to pay for my hospital fees!" I shout and my eyes start to water but I hold back my tears.

"..." Aoi doesn't say a word.

Akane will you get the surgery?

"I won't," I tell him.


"You know why! It costs too much and our parents are already paying for the hospital fees," I tell him annoyed. "If I take the surgery and rehabilitation that's even more money for them to pay for. I don't want to be more of a burden then I already am..."

You're not a burden.

I shake my head. "You know I am," I state and look over to his backpack. "I saw the books in your bag yesterday. You're learning sign language because of me now aren't you?" 

I am. I want to learn so I can better communicate with you.

"Better communicate..." I throw his notebook to the wall. "Stop treating me like this Aoi! I'm just your little sister! Don't be like everyone here!" Tears stream down my face. "Don't treat me differently! I'm not different!"

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