38. So It's A Date?

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Akane POV
(A few days later...)

After the first part of the training camp was over with, things went back to the way they were before but there was one thing that changed— I officially became Kenma's girlfriend!

This was no easy feat! I thought Kenma didn't have feelings for me when he rejected me but that was not the case, I'm glad we were able to sort things out together and confess our feelings to each other.

I happily finish my breakfast and get myself ready to head to school... wait a minute, where Kenma? I look around and hear some footsteps coming from the stairs. I turn my direction to the stairs and see Aoi grudgingly walking down.

"It seems like you didn't get much sleep Aoi?" I question.

He normally wakes up before me? Seeing him coming down so late with a worn out and exhausted look is a new one.

"Not really, I couldn't get much sleep," Aoi sighs as he grabs a granola bar for breakfast then notices how happy I seem. "But you seem more energetic than usual."

I blink surprised. "Oh really, you could tell? How embarrassing." I awkwardly scratch the back of my head and Aoi chuckles.

"You're my little sister, how can I not?" Aoi teases and playfully messes with my head. "What happened?"

I twiddle with my fingers. "Promise you won't do anything crazy."

"Sure?" Aoi says as he unwraps the granola bar.

"I'm dating Kenma!" I tell him and the granola bar on his hand breaks in hand.

I stare at the broken granola bar on the ground wide-eyed. That wasn't even a soft one, that was a thick granola bar and he easily broke it with his bare hand.

"I see... well I'm glad," Aoi smiles but honestly I couldn't tell if he was smiling or planning Kenma's murder.

"Aoi please don't hurt Kenma," I plead and Aoi stares at me then sighs.

"I won't," Aoi says as he grabs another granola bar to eat. "I don't like the fact you two are dating but Kenma isn't a bad person. I know he'll treat you right."

My eyes dilate and I hug Aoi. "Thanks, Aoi, hearing you accept him makes my day!" I grin and open the door. "Aoi are you ready for school?"

"Not really," Aoi mumbles as he swings his bag over his shoulder.

The two of us walk out of our house and I notice a girl from our school waiting at the corner from a distance.

That girl? She looks familiar. I take a closer look and recognize her once I see her long purple hair. Miyu? What's she doing here? I don't believe she lives anywhere nearby us.

Miyu notices us and runs towards us. "Aoi~" she calls out.

"Why... why is she here?" Aoi mumbles and I notice the color of his face completely disappear.

What's wrong with Aoi? Is he uncomfortable with her?

"Miyu what are you doing here?" I ask and Aoi's eyes widen.

"You know Miyu?" Aoi asks me and I nod my head.

"I met her a couple of times by chance," I tell him.

His eyes dilate. "..."

"Aoi where's my greeting?" Miyu asks expectantly.

"Good morning Miyu... what are you doing here?" Aoi asks and she suddenly clings onto his arm.

"I'm here to see you of course! As a couple, we need to walk to school together every day," Miyu happily answers.

I stare at the both of them wide-eyed. What did she just say? Couple? They're dating?? I didn't know about this? More like I didn't even know Aoi was interested in romance.

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