S7. Proposal

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"Love was just a word before you showed it to me."

Kenma POV

Two weeks after asking Akane to get married during our five year anniversary date, we take a tour around the wedding venue that we were planning to have our wedding at. No matter how much she tries to not show it, I can tell that she's happy about us getting married together.

"Do you have questions?" The lady asks us.

"Nope," we both answer at the same time, and the lady giggles.

"The two of you are in sync. That's so adorable," she teases us and we blush. "Anyways, just look into the wedding catalogs on the table and if you have any questions you can feel free to ask me."

She then leaves the two of us alone to go help another couple. We head over and sit on the table with the stack of wedding catalogs in the table.

As I watch Akane read the wedding catalogs and notice the subtle changes in her expressions as she goes through them. "You seem quite excited," I mention and Akane flinches.

"Was it that obvious?" Akane questions as she plays with her fingers embarrassed. "After you proposed to me last year, I wanted to get married right away but with everything happening, there was no time to plan everything out."

I smile. "That's true but no matter if we're married or not, I want to spend my life together with you," I tell her and she blushes.

Akane covers her face with the wedding catalog. "Kenma stop teasing me. I don't think my heart can take it." She pouts then puts all her attention into the wedding magazine that's in her hands.

I rest my head on my hand with my arm on the table as I continue to watch her go through the wedding catalogs. Now that I think about it, it has been a little over a year since I proposed to her. It was an embarrassing moment in my life that I probably can never forget but I don't regret anything about it.

(One year ago ~ One month before the cochlear implant surgery)

"Eh??? Propose to Akane?" Kuroo blurts out in shock hearing my words and Aoi is frozen stiff. "Am I talking to Kenma? Or an imposter?"

"Ha. Ha. Real funny," I sarcastically laugh. 

"You have to admit it is somewhat unbelievable mostly since it's coming out of your mouth," Yaku says surprised.

"I haven't even gotten a girlfriend yet," Yamamoto grieves in pain as he clenches his fist and Fukunaga pats him on the back.

"I support it," Nanami says as she looks over to me. "You two have always been together so I don't think things will be much different if you're engaged but it'll make her happy," she smiles.

"She's not the only one. I'm sure Kenma is happy too," Kai smiles and I slightly frown hearing him expose me like that.

"But isn't Akane's cochlear implant surgery coming up?" Shibayama says and I nod my head.

"It is that's why I want to propose to her before she takes the surgery. I want her to know that I'll always be by her side no matter what," I declare and everyone's eyes widen. 

"I didn't know you were a romantic," Lev says surprised and a vein pops on my head.

"I'm not a romantic! I'm just stating it for what it is!" I angrily shout.

"Oh Kenma and his temper always with the comeback when we least expect it," Kuroo says and everyone nods in agreement.

I scratch my head irritated. "I just needed some ideas on a romantic way to propose to her so I wanted to ask you guys for advice since you're my f-friends."

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