18. Empty Sounds

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Akane POV
(Next Day ~ At 6 p.m.)

After another long, grueling day of practice matches against Tsukinokizawa High, the boys finish cleaning up the gym and head over to the showers to clean themselves up before having dinner.

Meanwhile the boys were there, Nanami and I were getting ready to go out together so Nanami could meet up with her older brother in secret.

"How far is it from Tsukinokizawa High to Karasuno High?" I ask as I grab my bag.

"About 20 minutes on foot," Nanami answers as she leans on the door checking to see if anyone would pass by and wonder where we were going.

"I see. How far is the store then?" I ask as I quickly take my phone and stuff it into my bag.

"It's on the way to Karasuno so it's not too bad," Nanami says and purses her lips. "You know Akane, you don't have to come with me. I can do this on my own."

"I know but I want to at least support you by coming with you halfway," I explain. "While you go find your older brother, I'll buy everything then wait for you that way it would seem like buying food and drinks wasn't an excuse," I wink.

"Thanks Akane," Nanami says then hugs me.

I pat her on the head. I don't know her family situation for why she and her older brother live separately but it makes me feel blessed to have Aoi in my life. Although Aoi does worry too much about me, I know he cares for me, and not having him around would be painful.

As the two of us start to leave, we find Kuroo and Yaku coming out after taking a shower. The two of them notice us and wave.

"Where are you guys going?" Yaku asks seeing us with our bags.

"Akane and I are getting some snacks and drinks for later tonight," Nanami explains.

"Oh if that's the case, can I tag along with you two?" Kuroo teasingly asks Nanami and she stares at him with a deadpan look.

"No, it's fine. I have Akane with me so you don't need to come," Nanami straightforwardly tells him and grabs my shoulders. "Well, you two go eat dinner. We'll be heading off and be back before you know it!" She says then pushes me from behind to move forward.

The two of them watch us leave with a blank look on their face from Nanami's abrupt exit.

"Ahem. Rejected," Yaku coughs and a vein pops on Kuroo's head.

"I can hear you," Kuroo says in an irritated tone.

After those two, we didn't meet up with anyone else in the team and together we quickly head out to the store. Even though it was my first time in Miyagi, it was surprising to see how well Nanami knew the area. She didn't need to search up a map and easily went through side streets to reach the store. I don't want to assume anything but I'm sure she lived here before.

Once we arrive at the store, I head in but Nanami stops me. I turn around. "—— doesn't look good. Akane do you want to come with me?" Nanami asks.

What did she say?

I shake my head. "It's okay. I don't want to intrude on any of your family matters. I'll stay here to buy the food and drinks for everyone like we planned. Just let me know when you come back, I'm not good with the dark," I admit with a small smile and Nanami nods her head.

"I will. Thanks Akane," Nanami says and quickly leaves.

I wonder what she meant by 'doesn't look good'. I shrug it off. I might have misread her lips. It doesn't matter now, I'll just buy the stuff that I need to get and wait for her.

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