16. Realization

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Kenma POV
(Two days later ~ In the morning ~ on the bus)

I sit down on the bus and lean back as I yawn from having to wake up early for today. I was never an early morning person and it didn't help that I was playing games last night so I didn't get much sleep.

I glance over to Akane and a small smile forms on my face. She seemed a little quiet for these past few days so I'm glad she's excited to come along with us.

Ring Ring

My cellphone rings. I check it and see that it's a message from Kuroo.

<Talk to her>

I sigh. I didn't have to turn around to know that Kuroo is probably grinning ear to ear as he was writing this. The two of us are sitting next to each other, just is he expecting to happen?

When Coach Nekomata told us that we could choose where we wanted to sit, I notice that Nanami was about to ask Akane to sit next to her but Kuroo stopped her midway and whisper something in her ear.

I remember Nanami's eyes widening and looking over to me with an encouraging thumbs up and mouthing 'sit next to her!'

I turn to Kuroo confused by Nanami's words and he winks.


Sometimes I don't want to know what goes on inside that head of his.

I look into my bag and see the game that I bought. It's going to be a long drive and I'm sure Akane will be bored after a while, so might as well bring this up now.

"Hey Akane? Do you remember that game you wanted to play?" I ask but she doesn't respond.


I tap her on the shoulder and she looks over to me surprised.

"S-Sorry Kenma did you say something?" Akane blurts out startled.

"Are you okay? You seem deep in thought," I ask concerned.

"I'm okay... just a little excited that's all," Akane hesitantly answers.

"I see. I bought a new game that I think you'll like," I tell her as I take out my switch from my bag.

"Oh what game did you get this time?" Akane excitedly asks.

"I got the animal crossing game. You know, the one you thought was cute because of the little animals you get to live with," I explain as I turn on the game.

"Really," Akane awes. "I'm surprised you got it though. That's not your type of game at all."

"... I wanted to try something new," I admit and hand her an earbud.

"Thanks," Akane grins and we share earbuds together.

I hear someone whistle after I give Akane my earbud. I quickly turn around and see no other than Kuroo looking over with a mischievous smile. A vein pops on Nanami's head and she elbows Kuroo on the stomach.

"O-ow," He winces in pain as he clutches stomach.

Nanami turns to me and smiles. 'Go back and talk to her', she mouths.

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