4. A Brother's Support

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Akane POV
(Next Day- In the classroom)

"Kenma!" I loudly shout across the classroom. Kenma jerks back on his chair and blinks in bewilderment seeing me happily wave my arms around. I can feel all the students' eyes staring at me with disproving looks as they whisper some more strange rumors about me. Well too bad for them since that gossip doesn't bother me, I have Kenma. I ignore them as I zoom over to Kenma. I stop on the front of his desk and crouch down to when my chin is laying on his desk. "Guess what Kenma?" I giggle.

"Hm what is Akane?" Kenma says with no hint of curiosity as he stretches his body from his seat.

I grin hearing his monotonous response and I couldn't hold in my surprising news. "Hehe Kenma I'm going to take in the baby kittens today so I'll be the one to take care of them," I cheerfully announce and Kenma's eyes open wide.

"Really... You're going to take them," he says with a glint of sadness in his eyes. "... That means we won't be able to watch the kittens together." He gloomily pouts hearing my news that I thought would make him happy.

Wait did he say watch the kittens? Does he still want to take care of them? I quickly shake my head before he gets the wrong idea. "Of course not. You can still see the kittens any time you want. After all we took care of them together, you can always come visit them to see how they're doing, just give me a text," I smile and Kenma eyes widens in surprise.

"Is that okay with you?" Kenma asks me and I nod my head.

"Of course it's okay, we're friends! I didn't talk to you just because of the kittens," I bluntly answer, "I know I'm not as good as your best friend, Kuroo, but I'm still working hard to be at least your number two," I give him a cheeky smile and I saw the tips his mouth curve up.

"That's true. I think you're my number two." He smiles, "I hope you brother thinks that I'm your friend too," he quietly comments. Normally someone wouldn't be able to understand what Kenma just said, but I'm just lucky that Kenma talks very slow so reading his lips isn't all that bad.

I grin and give him a thumbs up in response, "Onii-chan is the best. He always protective over me, but I'm sure he sees you as a good friend..." I reply back, but stop in middle of the sentence. Protective over me... Or maybe pities me like everyone else. I glance at Kenma who's expecting to hear more of my answer. Kenma doesn't know anything... Maybe that's why we're still friends.

Kenma doesn't hear the rest of my answer and just starts speaking, "You're right, he seems like a nice person," he quietly comments and then asks me a question that I didn't want to read lips to, "How did you even get your parents to accept?" He wonders with no ill intentions, but for me that question felt like a knife struck me in the heart.

Without realizing it, my thoughts began to rewind to yesterday's conversation I had with mom. I didn't mean anything I said to her or my brother... But it's hard being different from others... I just want to be seen on the same playing field as a regular teenage kid rather than the girl who can no longer hear.

*Pat pat*

*Pat pat*

I snap out of my thoughts when I feel a light pat on my head from Kenma. "Akane, did you do anything bad?" He cocks his head to the side as he asks me. Hearing that question made a sweat drop fall behind my back. It's like he knows what's going on in my mind.

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