40. Matching Phonestraps

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Akane POV
(In the morning)

I adjust the bow on my hair and check myself at the mirror once again to make sure that everything looks just right. "All good." I smile.

Today's the day that I get to go with Kenma to the anime convention that he invited me to along with everyone else who decided to tag along.

I admit it would've been nice if it was just Kenma and I, but it is reassuring that the team is coming. I don't want to be by myself when Kenma's playing so having some extra company would be nice.


Speaking of which, it's weird how Aoi is keeping his distance from me. I'm so used to having him by my side that I feel uncomfortable when he's not around. I understand that he got himself a girlfriend but it's to the point that they're always together that I find it somewhat unsettling.

Even when we're at home, he avoids eye contact every time our gazes would meet, and when I try to make a conversation with him, he always gives me short responses then leaves.

I clap my cheeks. I can't be depressed! I have to have fun on my date with Kenma. I grab my bag then walk downstairs and to my surprise, I see Aoi standing by the front door in his casual clothes.

"I know this is last minute but can I join you?" Aoi asks with a small smile and my eyes widen seeing my brother standing there waiting for me.

"Of course!" I grin and open the door. "I'm glad that you could come Aoi, it'll be fun!"

"I'm sure it will be," Aoi lightly chuckles then looks me in the eye. "... Akane, I'm sorry that I haven't had the chance to talk to you and the team in so long.... it's just that there has been a lot going on for me."

My eyes dilate and I softly smile. "You don't have to apologize Aoi rather let's enjoy today with our friends."

"You're right," Aoi says and together we head to the anime convention in Tokyo.

(At the Tokyo Anime Convention)

After receiving our ID badges to enter the convention, Akane and I wait at the spot that Kuroo texted us to meet them at. It's unbelievable that I stood in line with Akane for an hour just to pick up the badges. I didn't think so many people would be coming here, but I was completely wrong.

I glance over to Akane as she waits for her friends with an energetic look on her face. I pat her on the top of her head. "You seem excited."

"Of course I am!" Akane grins. "I can't wait to meet up with everyone and look around. It's been a while since I went to a robust place like this."

I smile. "That's true but make sure you have your cellphone on you. I don't want what happened in the training camp to happen again," I warn and Akane pouts.

"Stop worrying Aoi! You should enjoy yourself too," Akane puffs her cheeks as she crosses her arms.

Enjoy myself huh? I'm not a big fan of crowded places like this but I decided to come so I hang out with everyone.


As much I hate to admit it, I miss hanging out with them. I never felt like this when I left my friends from archery... I guess I do consider them as good friends.

"Do you think I should ask to take some pictures with her?" I overhear a guy ask one of his friends as they glance over to Akane and I glare at them.

"Do you think I should ask to take some pictures with her?" I overhear a guy ask one of his friends as they glance over to Akane and I glare at them

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