S8. Wedding

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"When I started to love you, I realized that I never loved anyone like this before."

Akane POV

Whenever I watch the wedding scene in a J-drama, I always thought how nice it would be to find someone that I loved and swear our love together forever. As a child, I always knew that J-dramas were exaggerated and I would never experience something so cheesy. Yet even so I wanted to find that special someone. I want someone to see me for who I was and for them to cherish me like how I would cherish them.

"Congratulations on your wedding today," Alisa's hairdresser, Miwa Kageyama, says as helps style my hair.

"Thanks," I answer with a smile. "Also thanks for coming here to help me today."

"No worries, Alisa is a good friend of mine so when she asked me for my assistance, I decided why not come and help," Miwa grins as she does the finishing touches to my hair. "There you go, what do you think?" She asks as she hands me a mirror to look at my reflection.

I look at the mirror and my eyes sparkle in excitement. My hair has become more wavy and fluffy than it normally is. Not to mention, Miwa also added some flower accessories to my hair to make it stand out.

"Thank you," I tell her as my eyes start to water and she chuckles.

"Save those tears of joy for when your spouse sees you all dolled up. He's going to be so smitten when he sees you like this," Miwa teases and I blush.

The door slams open. "Miwa! Is Akane ready!?" Alisa shouts and her eyes widen when she sees me. "Wow! Akane you're so pretty!!!" She compliments and I smile hearing her words.

"Miwa is amazing," I praise.

"No you're a beauty, Kenma is lucky to have a pretty girl like you by his side," Miwa flatters and I giggle. "But everything is good. You're ready to go Akane."

I stand up and look at Alisa. "Show me the way."

"Of course!" Alisa grins. "I'm so happy for you on your special day Akane!!"

"Thanks," I happily say as walk out together to the wedding venue with the wedding veil on.

Just a few years ago, Kenma and I were high school friends. We have gone through so much together. The struggles and challenges... It wasn't like a J-drama where everything came easily. There were times I felt hopeless but knowing that Kenma and everyone were by my side, made me stronger.

I walk into the wedding venue and from under my veil, I could see the boys volleyball team, my family, Kenma's family and so many other people that we came to know.

I walk up to the altar with Kenma and the marriage official there waiting for me.

My heart skips a beat seeing Kenma in a black suit and his hair tied back. I'm too lucky... Kenma doesn't even need to try to be handsome.

Kenma catches eye contact with me and his cheeks blush light pink when he sees me in my wedding dress. I lightly giggle seeing his reaction and Kenma's eyes widen then he softly smiles.

The marriage officiant clears his throat and looks at the two of us. "Do you, Kozume Kenma, take Yoshina Akane to be your wife, to cherish in friendship and love today, tomorrow, and for as long as the two of you live, to trust and honor her, to love her faithfully, through the best and the worst, whatever may come, and if you should ever doubt, to remember your love for each other and the reason why you came together with her this day?"

Kenma looks me straight in the eye. "I do." He commits.

"Do you, Yoshina Akane, take Kozume Kenma to be your husband, to cherish in friendship and love today, tomorrow and for as long as the two of you live, to trust and honor him, to love him faithfully, through the best and the worst, whatever may come, and if you should ever doubt, to remember your love for each other and the reason why you came together with him this day?"

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