55. Party Preparations

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Akane POV
(At Kozume Household)

"..." As I wash the vegetables for the dinner that I was making for today's at-home date, I felt an intense stare lurking from my right side.

I glance over to Kenma who was watching over me like a curious cat. "Pffft." I let out a laugh.

"What's so funny?" Kenma questions as he tilts his head confused.

"Do you want to help me?" I offer.

Kenma stares at the food that I am preparing. "Sure, but I was surprised when you came over. I didn't expect you to start cooking dinner for us."

"Of course I would, it's your birthday Kenma! I wanted to surprise you," I grin. "I also brought some movies that we can watch too after we eat!"

"Thanks Akane," Kenma smiles.

"Hahaha no problem," I laugh but inside my head, I was mentally crying.

I didn't even know it was Kenma's birthday until a few days ago. Thank goodness, I had nothing planned this weekend, but it getting everything together for Kenma was nerve-wracking once I knew it was his birthday from Kuroo.

I thought Kuroo was joking around, but I confirmed it with Kenma after my conversation with Kuroo. It made me realize how incompetent I was as a girlfriend and a friend. How could I not know Kenma's birthday!? I know he never mentioned it, but I should have at least asked him!

I sigh. This whole at-home date was something that Kuroo suggested to me and thinking back to the conversation we had, it didn't feel like it was a bad idea but rather I'm kind of skeptical of Kuroo himself. He definitely has something planned but I didn't know what exactly.

(A few days ago...)

When Kenma wasn't looking during volleyball practice, Kuroo pulled me to the side into the storage room and put his finger to his lips to keep me from saying a word.

I fold my arms with a not so amused expression on my face. "What is it Kuroo? You didn't have to pull me away to tell me what you needed to say." I sigh then glance over to Kenma who was talking to the coach about Lev's improvement. "Is this some kind of secret that you're trying to keep Kenma from knowing?"

"It's not much of a secret but I'm sure it's something that you want to hear," Kuroo jokingly says with a teasing grin. "I don't think Kenma told you yet but it's his birthday this weekend."

"... Eh?" I blurt out as my mouth drops down from hearing the shocking news. "You're lying, aren't you?"

"Kenma's birthday is this weekend on October 16," Kuroo clarifies and I grab him on the shoulders.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!?" I violently shake his shoulders and his face pales as he gets dizzy from the continuously shaking.

Kenma's birthday is this weekend!? I didn't even know?! I don't have a present or any plans with him to celebrate his birthday! Why didn't Kenma tell me himself!? Now I feel like a terrible girlfriend! What do I do?

I stop shaking Kuroo and look at him right in the eye. "Kuroo after telling me something as important as this, you better help me prepare something for Kenma."

Kuroo clears his throat. "Well lucky for you. I know what he'll enjoy more than anything so just follow my advice and I'm sure the two of you will have a wonderful birthday celebration together."

I blankly stare at him, completely skeptical by his sudden change in tone. "I don't know if you know Kuroo but you're sounding quite sketchy right now."

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