47. Jealousy

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"Aoi. I know that Miyu has been threatening you to be her boyfriend," Alisa reveals and my eyes widen.

"Alisa... how do you know?" I ask, completely shocked by her words.

When did I expose myself? Most of the time, I did what I was told and acted like her boyfriend around others. Was it during the anime convention, karaoke, or—-

"On that day with karaoke, when Kaneko and I went to get drinks. We came back to the room to get my wallet so I could get pay instead but... we heard your conversation with Miyu and... saw you two make out with each other," Alisa says and I bite the bottom of my lip as I remember that day.

When I tried to go against her, Miyu threaten to tell Akane everything to keep me on a leash. My face darkens realizing that Alisa saw everything that happened between Miyu and I. "I didn't want you or anyone to see that." I grit my teeth frustrated by how powerless I was. "Alisa please forget everything that you—"

"I won't!" Alisa cuts me off. "Stop trying to do this all on your own! I can't watch you suffer and carry this burden all alone. Please don't continue to torment yourself Aoi! You have feelings too!"

"Alisa..." my eyes dilate, touched by her words.

Ever since Akane became deaf from that accident, I always put myself second and Akane first. No matter what, I told myself that I needed to take care of her and make sure that nothing happens to her. Yet without realizing it, I've been pushing myself to carry this responsibility all alone...

Alisa takes my hands and gently holds onto them."Please tell me everything that has happened. I want to help."

Seeing her resolute gaze, all the walls that I put up to protect myself broke down. She doesn't have to concern herself with me. I'm just a friend. Yet, she's willing to go the extra mile to comfort and help me in any way she can.


I'm lucky that I'm friends with someone as amazing as her.

I look back at her with a determined look on my face. "Alright, I'll tell you everything from the beginning."

I explained everything to her. Beginning with how I used to be a starting player for the archery team until the accident that involved Akane which caused her to become deaf. I then told her how I quit the archery team to take care of my little sister and have always stayed by her side ever since.

After telling her the past, I explained to her why Akane wanted to keep being deaf a secret and because Miyu figured it out, she blackmailed me and threaten to tell everyone the truth. To prevent this, I became Miyu's boyfriend and endured this toxic relationship to protect my sister.

"Please keep everything a secret," I plead after explaining to her everything, and tears stream down her face. I flinch. "Are you alright?"

"You and your sister went through so much," Alisa sniffles as she wipes her tears with her sleeve. "Aoi please don't neglect your well-being to protect your sister. There's always another way to solve this and this isn't it. You have your family and friends, you can confide to. You don't have to deal with this on your own. With everyone, I'm sure we can find a solution to this."


In the past when I left the archery team, my teammates despised me for leaving them. They never cared or went out of their way to ask why I left and yet... "Alisa, why are you reaching out to help me?"

"Because you're my friend and I don't want you to suffer like this," Alisa answers and my eyes dilate, shaken by her answer.

"Alisa, can I borrow your shoulder?" I ask and Alisa nods her head. I lay my forehead on her shoulder to hide how touched I was by her sincere feelings.

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