5. Relax

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Kenma POV
(Next Day - After class)

"Kenma are you doing anything after school today?" Akane asks me with peppy face as I put away my notebook in my school bag. I shake my head and she claps her hands in joy seeing my response. "Then do you want to see the kittens again? Nekota, Cho, Mei, and Kuroko miss you~" She says and shows me a picture she took of the kittens playing together with a bunch of yarn balls.

"Um. Sure I think I can," I say with a smile. Akane quickly grabs her things and runs to out of the classroom door, but quickly comes back, "I'll text you once I find Aoi and we can meet up again." She tells me and takes off searching for Aoi.

Just seeing how she is now compared to how she was yesterday is like seeing two different people. Today she's a little goofball, but yesterday she felt like a completely different kind of person or someone who's carrying a lot behind her back. I quickly shake my head back and forth as I'm about to get deep into my thoughts... What am I thinking?! Without realizing I'm following her flow on things, what happen to lying low. I sigh, it's just the way she is when she opens up to others.

Ring Ring

I check my cellphone and see a text from Kuroo.

<Come over to the gym>

Why the gym... Knowing Kuroo, he's probably thinking of finding a way for me to join the volleyball team. I already told I might join the team, but when I say might, we all know that it means probably not. I take a yawn as I pick my things up and leave to the gym expecting a scheming Kuroo awaiting for my arrival.

(At the gym)

I slowly walk into the gym hiding my face from the people in the gym. I watch a bunch of boys practice their serves and their receives. It seems like so much work already... Why would I join? I take a look around finding Kuroo talking to a boy from the other side of the gym with blond hair. Isn't that Akane's brother? I walk to the other side of the inside of the gym to find Kuroo and Akane's brother, Aoi talking to each other. "Kuroo, what do you need?" I say as I walk into the conversation inside the gym.

"I just want to see you," he says with a hint of a tease. He turns to Aoi with a mischievous grin, "See told you Kenma would come so send the text." He elbows Aoi, who makes an annoyed face.

"I didn't even want this to happen..." Aoi mumbles and Kuroo pats him on the back.

"But you owe me for listening to your problems," he smiles and Aoi gets the chills from seeing it. What problems did Aoi have that had him talk to Kuroo... Kuroo isn't exactly the most trustworthy person I know. "Here Kenma catch," he tosses me a black shirt and shorts. "Go change into this and at least do the try-outs. You don't have to do good, but at least try." He says leaving me puzzled.

That's strange... I feel like he's being a little too easy going about this rather than nagging me... I'm probably playing into his little plan. I take a glance from behind him and he gives me a smile and a wave.... Really strange. I try to get over my suspicions and  go to the boys changing room to change my clothes.

Kuroo POV

"There goes Kenma," I chuckle as I watch him leave to change his clothes.

"Oi Kuroo. Is it really necessary to bring Akane here? She's not going to make much of difference anyways," Aoi comments as he sends the text message to his little sister.

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