Author's Note

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Hi readers! The Purr-fect Love Story's main story is finally complete ( ^∀^). I tried to mix things around with this story and add not just Akane x Kenma romance but also Alisa x Aoi romance too so I hope you enjoyed that! :) Even though the main story for this is complete, I'm still going to put a few special stories before completely finishing it off.

1. Akane In Wonderland
2. Valentine's day
3. Christmas
4. Tanabata Festival
5. Life with Aoi
6. 5 Year Anniversary
7. Proposal
8. Wedding
9. Aoki Kozume
10. Kiri Kozume

Just for future references, all my Haikyuu fanfiction stories will have some sub stories and each one would be different depending on the main character of the story :) I hope you enjoy the short chapters.

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