46. Heart-warming

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Kenma POV

After the boys' volleyball training camp ends, I come back to school and wait for the opportunity to ask my classmates about Miyu without her knowing. Normally Miyu is in class the whole time until Aoi picks her up during lunch or after school.

Once lunch starts, I wait for Miyu to leave the classroom with Aoi and when she was completely out of sight. I take this chance to talk to the girls who sit next to her, but as I head over to them, my chest tightens.


I don't like social interactions. As much as I can I try to avoid them and even dyed my hair blond so people wouldn't approach me. Yet now for the first time in a long time, I have to engage myself in a conversation with my classmates.

"Excuse me?" I call out but my voice came out more timid than it should have been.

The girls don't turn around.

I clear my throat. "Excuse me? Can I talk to you?" I call out again with a firm voice.

The girls turn around. "?"

"Are any of you friends with Miyu?" I ask.

The girls all look at each other.

"Not really," one of them admits. "Miyu's always looking down at us as if she thinks she's better than us. She's the type of person that I hate."

"I know right! Especially when she started dating Aoi!" Her friend adds.

"I can't believe Aoi is dating her! Aoi can do much better!" Another friend comments and they all nod their heads. 

A sweatdrop falls behind the back of my head as the conversation starts to go off tangent. I clear my throat. "Do you know who she's around with that's not Aoi?" I straightforwardly ask.

"She's in the cheerleading team right? I would ask one of them. They're the ones that have to deal with her attitude," one girl suggests.

"Cheerleaders huh?" I mumble as think about when a good time would be to interrogate them. It would have to be tomorrow morning since the cheerleading team has to practice after school and Miyu would be there. "Thanks—-"

"Kenma!" I hear someone call out and turn around to see Akane happily running to me. "Let's go out for lunch together!"

"Sure," I smile.

Together, we find a place at the back of the school and sit down on a bench as we eat our lunch. Akane takes out her cellphone and shows me the video of our stream that I eventually posted online. 

"Look at all the likes and views on the video! I didn't think it would go up so much after coming back from the training camp," Akane grins. "You're so popular!"

I blush. "It wasn't because of me. You were there with me too."

"T-That's not true!" Akane blurts out as her face turns red. "I can totally imagine you becoming a super popular streamer in the future!"

"I'm not good with talking," I admit as I think about the beginning of the video where I was playing silently for the first 20 minutes or so. "I don't think anyone would want to listen to me—-"

"I would," Akane states. "Even if I can't hear anything, I would still watch it. I don't know if you notice it but when you're playing games your face always lights up in joy," she looks at me with a gentle smile. "However there are many times where I have wanted to hear your voice. What do you sound like Kenma?"

I shrug. "... I guess as any guy would sound."

"Hahahaha what's that supposed to mean?" Akane laughs. "Do you have a high pitch or low pitch voice?"

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