54. Sincere

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After the incident took place, I help clean everything up to have it the way it was before we came here. Once I finish, I glance over to see Kenma and Akane happily talking with each other as they clean and decide to leave them alone so they can have some time together. I head out of the classroom and take my cellphone out then dial Alisa's cellphone number.

"Hello?" I hear a voice from the other side of the call.

"Hey Alisa its Aoi," I greet through the phone.

"A-Aoi!" Alisa suddenly blurts out my name after hearing my voice and quickly clears her throat. "You normally don't call? Did something happen?"

"Nothing really. It's just wanted to say thanks for giving me the confidence to tell my friends the truth." I admit, slightly embarrassed. "With the team, we were able to have Miyu confess what she did in front of everyone so I don't think she'll be bothering me anymore."

"I'm so glad," Alisa says relieved. "I wish I could've been there to support you but I'm stuck in college. If we went to the same school then I definitely would've been there to help you out!"

"Everything has been taken care of so don't worry about it," I reassure her. "By the way, what college do you go to?"

"I go to the University of Tokyo," Alisa answers. "How come?"

"I see. Maybe I'll apply to the same school as you that way you can be my senpai," I tease and I hear a drop sound. "Uhhh Alisa did you drop your cellphone?"

There was silence from the other end for a few seconds.


What just happened?

"H-Hello? Aoi are you still there?" Alisa calls out.

"I am," I answer. "Did you drop your cellphone?"

"Hahaha I accidentally did," Alisa giggles.

I smile hearing her gentle laugh. "Thanks again Alisa. You're a friend that I can depend on. I wouldn't be able to get through this without you," I thank then notice someone following me from behind. "Anyways I don't want to make the call too long. I hope you have a good—-"

"W-Wait Aoi! Would it be alright if we can meet at that cafe again?" Alisa suddenly suggests.

"Cafe?" I question.

"Y-Yah if that's alright? I-It's not a date or anything! You know just a friends' hangout—-" Alisa stammers and I laugh.

"Sure," I answer. "Just let me know whenever you're free and we can hang out."

"Really! That's great!" Alisa joyfully cheers. "I'll see you later then Aoi, bye!"

"Bye," I tell her and hang up on the call. I put my cellphone in my pocket then turn around. "Who's there?" I call out and the shadowy figure flinches.

I watch the person following me come out from their hiding spot and to my surprise, it was my old classmate and teammate, Kumon.

"Kumon what are you doing here?" I ask.

Kumon bows his head down. "Aoi I want to say that I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" He apologizes and my eyes widen. The people around us start staring and a sweatdrop falls behind the back of my head.

"Raise your head," I tell him and his head bobbles up. "Why are you apologizing?"

"For not staying by your side after the accident," Kumon answers as he awkwardly scratches the back of his head. "Back then when you suddenly quit, the whole team was frustrated. They knew you lied about your reason for quitting the team and the fact you didn't tell them the truth made them feel like they were unreliable."

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