S3. Christmas

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~ Snowball Fight ~

Akane POV
(At the Yoshina Household...)

Christmas break has finally arrived! Even though I could sleep in because there's no school today, I woke up earlier than usual because I can hangout with Kenma.

I happily walk downstairs and find Aoi looking out at the window with a displeased look on his face. "What's wrong Aoi?" I ask and Aoi stares at me with a deadpan look.

"It's snowing," Aoi frowns and pulls out his hand warmers in his pockets. "I've been using these to keep warm from the snow but it's not enough!" He complains and a sweatdrop falls behind the back of my head.

"Aren't you over exaggerating Aoi? You've always been sensitive to the cold but do you have to hate the snow that much?" I bluntly question and Aoi clicks his tongue.

"I'm not over exaggerating anything. Especially with the Norovirus that has been spreading around lately, it's better to stay home and keep warm. If you go out there then you'll get sick now because of this terrible weather," Aoi explains and I sigh. 

Aoi never had a preference or a dislike towards anything in particular except for the snow.

When we were younger, Aoi and I were together with our parents in a snow resort but while we were walking, Aoi accidentally sank in the snow and his body was practically drowning in the snow. I still remember him screaming and crying as he sank while our dad was trying to take him out of the snow. Ever since then, Aoi was traumatized to the snow.

"You're asking for the impossible Aoi," I shrug and grab my bag. "Anyways I'm going to go out now and see Kenma."

"...Eh?" Aoi turns around surprised. "Why are you visiting him today?"

"Because it's the Christmas break and I want to hang out with him," I cheekily grin. "So I'll see you later tonight." I wave and leave as fast as I can before he could stop me.

Luckily it's snowing outside right now, Aoi has always been a homebody when it comes to the snow and normally doesn't take a step out on the snow unless he's required to. I giggle. Thank goodness! Now he can't stop me from seeing Kenma!

(At Haiba household...)

"Alisa guess what?" I ask my older sister as I take a step outside.

"What Lev?" Alisa happily asks me as she comes outside with me.I happily raise my arms up in the air. "It's snowing!"

"It's a winter wonderland!" Alisa adds with a wide smile on her face.

"Yay!" We cheer as we run through the snow.

Every year when it snows, the two of us would go outside and enjoy the best time of the year! Christmas! What makes it especially great this year is that it's snowing!

There's so much to do in the winter season especially with the snow. We're so lucky to have snow here in Japan.

"I-It's s-s-s-s c-c-c-old," I hear a familiar voice shivering.

I turn around and see a hooded person walking as fast he can through the snow.

"Oh, Aoi!" Alisa calls out and the person flinches.


The person takes off his hood and to my surprise, it was Aoi.

Wow, my sister is so good at figuring out people! She's the best!

"Aoi do you want to join us!?" I ask and Aoi tilts his head confused.

"What do you mean?" Aoi asks confused by my words.

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