One hundred and two.

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The twins left for college in the morning. It was official we had college children; they wanted to live on the campus, I mean I was not fond of the idea, but Aubrey had Gabe, and Alfie well? He was more interested in his music than he was girls however that could all change at college.

Leo, verity and lottie all had school; so it was still kind of a rush in the mornings making sure they were up on time; and at school on time. - Leyton and myself headed back to our offices outside of our home, just for some normality! Not having younger children at home meant I could focus on my work! More designs, fresh designs, new stores; new seasons; new collections; thankfully I had an amazing team who worked for me to make this happen when I wasn't around.

"Mom! Verity is being a brat!" The ride home from the school run was always a fun ride! "Verity give your brother his phone back!! And Leo please don't call your sister a brat!!"
I swear, I haven't crashed by now someone is my angel, because these kids could drive me to a crash!
"The sooner I get my drivers Ed the better!" He sulked in the back. Leo turned 16 next week, which meant he could start drivers Ed at school. He was more determined than ever since his only brother left for college.
"One more week to wait babe, one more week" I smiled keeping it together.
Who knew this was the hardest mile stone.

"Mmm good evening my beautiful wife" Leyton whispered as he placed a kiss upon my neck and I cook dinner. We've been the other years, and our spark is still alive, I just love this man more every single day.
"Hello husband ... how was work?"
"Successful as always, yours?" He smiles pouring some wine.
"The same! We're working on new collections right now! .."
"Excellent! I'm so proud of you .., really ..."
"Thanks baby, it's all down to you for pushing me to get to where I am ... I owe you the world" I smile sipping the red wine he just poured.
"I'm sure I can think of some things" he winked ... I felt my Cheeks go flush when he said those words.
"The twins settled great! They called earlier! - and our other son, wants drivers Ed, ASAP! Since Alfie's gone, he hates being the only boy sibling he wants his freedom" I sighed finishing the dinner off.

"He's a teenager baby, he has his moments"


We all sat as a family around the dinner table. "How was school Kids?" Leyton asks as we all eat together "great!! Top of the class as always" lottie smiled, we had no worries with her, the brains, no boys or girls. The way it should be. "Leo?"
"Yeah fine."
"Leo's got a girlfriend!!!" Verity started teasing him.
"Shut up!" He hissed back.
"Enough! Verity please don't wind your brother up. Leo .. don't tell verity to shut up, so what you have a girlfriend ... enjoy the time together"
I gave Leyton a look. "But not too much fun ..." he whispered.

"Verity, how was school!?"
"Fine ... same as always ..."
"Well that was short and sweet;- home work and showers please! All of you!" I smile as I clear the table.
Of course they mumble as they go upstairs ... we will see if they listen in 10 minutes.

" so .... the kids are upstairs .... why ... don't we have some fun" Leyton whispered inbetween kisses and be placed them on my neck.
"Here?" I say in a whisper but in a gasp.
"Right ... here" he says as he placed his wine glass on the table and turned me to face him, lifting me upon the table behind.
My hand met his face as I pulled him in for a passionate kiss.
His hands caress my legs spreading them slightly apart ... he unzips his trousers revealing his hard pulsating erection, pulling me closer to him ... I moan as he puts it in ... the same sensation I always get as we make love.
Remembering the kids are upstairs I kiss him and moan into his mouth; his thrusts get deeper and harder; I lay back gripping the table as he pounds me harder.
He stops and turns me over, pulling me back; bending me over; I moan loud enough for Leyton to gain pleasure from it; "fuck me ... harder ... baby .... that's it ..."
his hands gripping my hips as he thrusts harder.
"Fuck your so wet baby ... fuck me im gonna cum ...." he says through gritted teeth ...
"Yes baby .." I pant.
He thrusts harder three more times before he cums inside me ... his pulsating erection filling me slowly ...

That was amazing.

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