Fifty two.

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- Leyton - 

April told me last night my mother was coming round to talk. I was utterly surprised by that bombshell, considering my mother you just dont know how she will react. I was disappointed i had meetings in the office, which i could not get away from. From knowing April all those months ago, to now she has come so far, a confident amazing woman. 

She has handled everything incredibly well, I am honoured she has agreed to become my wife in a couple of months, I could not wait. - I sat in on a conference call for the business with my team but all  i could think about was my mother and April's conversation. I suddenly felt on edge. My phone rang, Janes name flashed up on the screen, I felt sick suddenly. "Mr Stevens you need to come home now. Its April" thats all she said before i cancelled the call and cut the meeting short. 

I got in my car and drove as quick as i could home, I tried calling April and my mothers phone but no one answered. As i pulled into the drive away and parked up, i ran inside as fast as i could. My eyes deceived me as i saw my mother with the twins, and April lying lifeless on the floor with Jane by her side. "what the fuck has happened?" I snarled in sheer panic as i approached April on the floor. "April, baby, come on ... wake up" i pleaded as i stroked her face trying to wake her up, she was breathing which was a good sign, but it was shallow.

"Emergency services are on the way, Mr Stevens. Im not sure what happened, I was in the back room with Alfie and Aubrey, and then i heard a crash - as i was about to come and check, your mother had already come into the room and informed me everything was fine ... she told me if i didnt give over her grandchildren she would make sure April doesn't wake up ..." This was the most i have heard Jane speak in months, but she told me everything so frantic yet fear in her voice. "and then i found April like this, When your mother took the twins from my arms" 

"Jane, go and take a breather. I've got this. thank-you." i smiled reassuring her. I then turn to my mother who was smiling at me from across the room holding Alfie and Aubrey, all my parenting instinct kicked in. Fear and anger flooding through me, but i remember to keep my cool. "Mother. Why." - "Oh Leyton, she wouldn't of let me see the little darlings; I just had to find a way to make her see sense ... i didn't mean for this to happen" - "happen? Mother you have drugged my fiancee!! what did you expect to happen!" - "Im sorry. i really am ... but look im with them now!" was she crazy? This woman in front of me was not the person who i see as my mom.

The Emergency services arrived - i called them inside and they rushed to April's side. her head was cut and bleeding ... the police were only a foot away. "Mother. give me my children ... please" i walk towards her. "You will see them ... soon, just give them over" - she was reluctant. But eventually handed them over to me, a rush of relief ran through my body. "Mother, you need to get some help; I will visit you eventually but for now ... you need to go to hospital your self" I nodded to the police to escort her away, It hurt me to see this but she needed some psychological help. I dialled my father immediately and explained to him what just happened. 

My thoughts were running every where - will april be ok? the twins? me. I packed up their belongings told Jane to go home and i took the twins with me to hospital ... 

I need my fiancee to be ok ... this is all my fault. I blame myself.    

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