"Charlie! Say hello!" He looks over and waves then continues to play football with Leyton. "How long have you been together?" Frankie asks. "We've been dating for three nearly four months, officially together for 2 weeks .. although I get the vibe your mom isn't pleased!"
"Don't worry! She's like this always! After Avery, Leyton ... changed. He wasn't the same person as he was before ... until he met you! She's just protective over her son, like any mother would be. As long as he's happy. She's happy" Frankie reassured me as we sat drinking lemonade getting to know each other.
"So you're a nurse?" - "yeah! I started a couple weeks ago, I love it" - "that's great." - "and you have your own fashion line?" - "yeah .. Frankie designs" - "I've seen your work I love it!! I can't wait to try it some day!"
I sat outside a bit longer just embracing the views the scenery ... but mainly avoiding Grace. She doesn't intimidate me I just don't wanna make myself feel uncomfortable.
We all went inside to wash up for dinner. As awkward as this was gonna be i was starved. But Charlie was missing! He must've snuck back out when no one was looking .. Frankie went after him but then the worst thing could of happened ... she screamed I have never seen so many people run that fast since usain bolt won the olympics.
"I think ... he's broken his arm ..." she cried out. Your a nurse April, fix this! I said to myself. I run out after them ... staying calm, Charlie didn't look that bothered.
I nodded to Frankie to back off slightly, her being scared could put Charlie on edge."Hey handsome! Can I see your arm? I can do some magic tricks wanna see!" He smiles back at me as we sit together on the ground! Leyton had already handed me the first aid box.
"Thanks! Aren't you a big brave boy! Can you tell me what happen?" He handed me his arm I started feeling around."I fell. Over the ball."
"Over the ball? Oh no!! Did you hurt the ball!" He chuckled! "Charlie, can you tell Me if you're hurt anywhere?"
He pointed to his arm in the middle I felt again ... "so this is where the magic happens! This is my magic bandaid! What happens is I place this around your arm and your neck! And this helps your Arm get better! But mommy is gonna need to take you to see some magic doctors is that ok?" I started placing the sling around his neck and on to his arm."That's ok. Thanks for the magic bandaid!" He smiles sweetly. Frankie re joined! "You were amazing! Thank-you!" / "it's fine. He seems ok but it could be the adrenaline. It feels like he's broken his fore arm but take him to the hospital they'll do further examinations there" I smiled. She thanked me with a warm embrace. "Thankyou so much." She lifted Charlie up. "Bye April!" He smiles.
"You are an amazing person! April" Leyton smiles kissing me softly! "I just done my job! He's a great kid!"
And that is why I love my job.

Only his surrogate
Romance"Its simple. you give me a baby. I pay you double of what was offered." Leyton says in a dark tone. no feeling what so ever. I knew nothing about him? and now suddenly he wants my ovaries for a baby? April Rhodes was a struggling 22 year old living...