twenty two.

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I phoned Maggie immediately and told her the news! she was thrilled but sounded hesitant especially after last time but life is always about risks. i guess this is a big one im willing to take. She then proceeded to tell me her wedding plans in more detail. Which was only a month away. thankfully hopefully i wont be showing alot by then!

"When did you know?" Leyton asked we sat around the dinner table eating. "today, i just had the urge to do a test so i did and ..." i smiled and then placed his hand upon my stomach. "your baby ..." i beamed at him. "Our baby" he synced back, with a glisten in his eyes. "Ours?" - "yeah, we both made this baby, if you asked me a month ago, i would of kept it but, April. I want us to become a family ..." Was this really Leyton Stevens talking? i was speechless.

"I mean at the start i didnt feel nothing for this baby, but seeing the scan hearing the heartbeat, and then seeing you? I couldn't leave this baby, ever. I thought i wouldn't want all this yet, im too young. I guess when it feels right .. go for it. ... i want nothing more than to have this baby with you .." this right here felt perfect. All i ever wanted.

"think we should tell our families?" i asked as we sat by the fire pit out back. "we need to, but why dont we wait until our 12 week scan is over? then we can tackle them both together" - I agreed. I have a good support with my family, i guess it will be a shock but well my happiness is all that matters.

I started work today, i was excited but i knew i was limited to what i can do. I got dressed into my scrubs tied my hair back and headed downstairs for breakfast before my shift at 8. Leyton was already in a business meeting but he wished me luck before he left this morning. "lets do this" i say to myself as i grabbed my car keys and left.


"welcome, April!! And congratulations!" This lovely young lady smiled and whispered. "Thank-you! I'm excited to be here" - "my name is Hayley, I am the nurse in charge today - you'll be working along side Hallie and Annie today! Don't worry you'll have light duties but do what you think you can do!" She smiles. And introduces me to my fellow colleagues who were very beautiful.
"Welcome!! We're thrilled to have you working with us! I'm Hallie and this is Annie!"

The morning went by so quick I already dealt with three patients and filed paper work ... my shift finished in three hours. I actually couldn't wait to get back and start again.

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