Eight nine.

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Day seven.
Still pregnant.
Still fat.
Over it.

I could barely move let alone pee. Which is what I kept doing every damn 10 seconds.

I carried on with my days as much as I could, it got to 3am when I was woken up by a sharp pain in my stomach, I flinched as I sat up in bed.
I looked down, no water.
I walked to my bathroom to have a hot shower. The pain intensified every few minutes.

As I stepped out i crouched over clutching my stomach. Is this it! Is it happening!!

My waters broke.

"Shit. Leyton!" I whispered loudly. He was the deepest sleeper ever. "Ow!" I cried quietly but that seemed to wake him up instantly.

"April? Baby! What's wrong?"
"She's coming ... my waters broke" I breathed slowly.

He got himself dressed and dialled Frankie number she was our on call baby sitter for the twins! She got here as quick as she could so we could leave ...

It was happening.
She was coming.

"Damn I forgot this part!!" I breathed through my contractions pacing up and down the room.
"Breath baby, you're doing great!" He was the most supportive husband but my hormones didn't think so!
"I am breathing!!! Do you want to switch?"

"To ease your pain, I'll do it in a heartbeat" he smiles as he places on hand on mine and rubs my back with the other.

I swear each pregnancy is worse than before.

It's been five hours and nothing is happening, no drugs though! I don't want them I can do this.

By this point I knew I was getting tired and I wasn't even pushing yet.

I hopped onto the bed to try and rest before the main event. The midwives kept checking me every half an hour.

"You're 8cm ... another two to go April. You're doing great. Are you sure you don't want anything!" She asks politely as she writes in her notes.

"No ... no I can do this!" I smiled. Knowing I fully couldn't but. I wanted to .

"Baby; you're in pain .... you need something to ease it!" If there's one thing Leyton hates it was me in pain. It bought him pain just seeing me like this.

"I'm fine ... I can do this, if I need anything I'll ask for it ... you're the best medicine I can have" sweet talk always worked!

Time was ticking and going by ... it was now 8 hours in ....

"Ok .... good news."
"Please tell me I can push!!" I ask in relief.
"You can push! On you're next contraction I want you to push!"

Here we go ... come on baby girl. A week late and you're on your way.

- "push April .... come on that's it"
With all my breath I pushed.


"Take a breather ... next one do it again for me!" Aimee was the midwife she was amazing.

"Come on baby, you can do this! I love you"

"Push .... and again, keep going .... and breath"

Damn! This was a full workout in its self!!!

"Ok April ... we need a big push this time ok?"
She sounded concerned?

I done as she asked. Come on baby girl I thought to myself.

"Ok ... April we're calling in the doctor, there's been no progress since you've been pushing ..."

"Progress? But she's ok right?" I panicked.
"She's fine but if we don't act now she'll Be I'm distress as will you"

My baby.

What's happening.

I suddenly felt faint ... my head was sweating.

"I'm not feeling great!" I mumbled.

"Page theatre now!"


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