Fourty five.

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- Leyton -
I felt helpless. I've never seen this much in April's eyes before. There was nothing I could do, I knew that.

I carried her to the car and drove straight to the hospital. I phoned them on the way so Dr Tyler was expecting our arrival.

"God, it hurts so bad!" She cried as we approached the car park! "Hang in there baby, we'll get you help I promise"

I slung the babies bag over my shoulder and carried April inside; Dr Tyler was waiting by reception with a wheelchair.
"Help her. Please." I pleaded. Following them into the mother and baby until and into a private room.

"Let's get you on the bed. April and I will examine you and see what's going on" Dr Tyler was the best doctor in town. I trusted her.

There was no messing around ... she examined April straight away. "You are in labour ... however we need to get you an ultrasound to see clearer what's going on!"

An ultra sound? "If there's something wrong we need to know. Dr." I was firm. I didn't mean to be but my emotions were everywhere right now. My fiancée and our babies are in potential danger and I need to help.

"Well know more after the ultrasound, please, Leyton let me do my job."

Another doctor came through with the ultrasound machine that is used portably.
They waste no time in scanning April.

I wait around in anticipation holding onto April's hand whilst she breaths through the pain.

"Ok ... April you are definitely in labour ... however this could be some what a difficult  delivery"

"What do you mean a difficult delivery. Dr Tyler I need my fiancée and my children safe!" I demanded as she was telling us the news.

"And we will make sure they're all safe, Leyton. However one of your babies is breech which means they are feet first. We will give you some  pain relief to ease the contractions slightly and then see how much your dilated"

I've never feared so much for the ones I love. Ever. My whole life was laying entirely on this bed and there was nothing I could do to help.

I needed to pray for a miracle that they were all going to be safe.

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