Twenty seven

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We arrived home at 9pm. Leyton mom was still shifty but she did thank me for helping her grandson, I just hope she comes around when she finds out we're expecting.

I phoned Maggie right away and told her everything. We spent almost an hour on the phone.

"How's Maggie?" Leyton asked as he came into the bedroom. "She's goood. Just talking wedding plans, it's coming up so she wanted to make sure I was comfortable with everything"
"You were amazing today ... it made me love you even more"
"I just done what any nurse would do in that situation ..."
"I know ... but you're my girlfriend seeing you like that, shows me how much you love your
Job. And what an amazing mother you're gonna be to our baby"

We laid in the bed together just talking. I could believe how luck I actually was to have him.
Our scan was tomorrow ... I could wait.


"My bladder is gonna explode!" We sat waiting for our name to be called.
I swear I needed to pee more often than normal.

"April come through?" Dr Tyler smiled. "Finally" I whispered as we stood up to walk to the room.
"How you feeling?" She asks preparing the monitor
"Like I'm gonna burst with pee" I chuckled lifting up my shirt.
"I'll be quick as I possibly can I promise ... so this will be your 12 week scan?"
"I believe so"

She done some measurements as she moved the device around my stomach. "Ok .... you conceived naturally this time?" She asks. "Yeah, why? Is everything ok?"
"It is. I'm just double checking ..." she pressed a few more buttons. "April ... you're expecting twins" I froze. Wait what?

"You're 13 weeks, three days ..." she turned the monitor so we could see, heard the heartbeats ... there they were wriggling around on the screen,

"Twins!" I exclaimed.

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