Fifty one

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- April -

Leyton was out.
Alfie and Aubrey were in the back room with Jane.
Grace was sitting at the breakfast bar whilst I stood the other side drinking coffee.

She looked around "where are they?" She smiled. "With Jane. I didn't think it was fair you saw them now, until I know why you're here. I need to protect my children" I stayed calm but firm.
"Missing out on my grandchildren was not how I expected it to turn out, April"
"You bought that upon yourself, Grace. After your stunt you pulled ... can you blame me? Us?"

I surprised myself at how confident I was standing up to her.
"No. I just knew that Leytons life was with Avery. And seeing him with someone else just is not acceptable"
"But that was and is his past, Grace. He's happy now, why can't you accept that?"
"I can ... I will try ...."

We continued our conversation for another half an hour, before Grace offered to brew more coffee; I just wasn't ready to let her see the children yet. I can't have someone coming in and out of their lives when it suits.

"If this is gonna work you need to promise you won't pull anymore stunts. I'm with your son, we have children and are getting married in a couple of months. This is for life, Grace. With or without you"
I sipped my coffee. Within a few seconds my head began to feel dizzy! Has she done something to my coffee?

I started to feel queasy as the time went on, I didn't feel right at all. As I stood up, I felt my legs give away, and I remember hitting my head as I fell on the breakfast bar.

It went black.

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