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"How you feeling?" he asks still sitting beside me. "good ... uncomfortable but thats to be expected" - "the first payment will be in your bank tomorrow morning first thing. I really hope you get the help for your father" - "thanks, Leyton. me too" i smile softly, sitting up, he instantly helps me and helps me off the bed. "thanks ..." was this a moment we shared? is this a different side to him?

"I was thinking, April. I want to keep an eye on you when and if you fall pregnant .. i cannot do this whilst we live apart ... I want you to live with me for a while" wait? was he being serious right now? 

"Live, with you? why?" im guessing by his facial expression he wasn't keen on questions. "I want to be with you every step of the way, every minute. Make sure you dont over do it" He was serious about this? shit!!! "well i mean, this is going to be your baby ... so i guess if it helps, i dont really have a choice" 

Within a week i was temporarily moved in with Leyton, my own room, bathroom, my own space. He was barely around. Whilst i had free time in between my classes i researched him. He owns a club in town, BARONE it was called, im pretty sure Maggie has been several times. I spent about an hour reading up on him before i realised. 

I then spent a further two hours studying for my finals in two weeks. TWO WEEKS! My final lectures was this week. it was bizarre how quick these weeks were going. So much so i even forget what happened last week. 

I was startled by my phone ringing. "Hello?" - "girl where are you? class starts in 15 minutes!!" Maggie startled me. SHIT. i slept through my alarm. "fuck! i will be there in 10!" i hung up threw on some clothes brushed my hair and slipped it in to a pony tail before grabbing my bag and books. not even realising i had no key. never mind that will wait. 


"remember students, your last lecture is tomorrow!! dont be late!" 

"So, how are things?" - "Great. i mean different than what i thought, but they're good!" i filled Maggie in on everything she was shocked but supportive. "Just ... be careful, April. But living with a millionaire beautiful man? i mean, i envy you!" she winked as we walked to lunch, she really wasn't wrong except i barely saw him. Is this how it will be when it happens? Ghosting?

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