One hundred and four - final chapter

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- ten years on -

We sit in the garden on a beautiful summers day!! The sun beaming down, the pool cool so the kids can Cool Down.
The last ten years have been amazing; rollercoasters for sure but nothing we wouldn't change for the world.

"Nanny!! Grandad!!" Two little voices bellowed from inside coming out!
Avery and Gabe were together since school, we had our doubts but they proved us wrong and stayed together ever since.
Avery fell pregnant in college. When she turned 17, it was definitely a rollercoaster to get on and out but we all came together and dealt with it.
She had two! Hallie and Romeo! Twins- they were 10.

"My angels!! How are you?" I smiled as I took them both in my arms caressing them with kisses.
"Hi mom! Hi dad!" Avery smiled as she stepped out into the garden.
We both embraced her tightly with the tightest embrace. We were thankful she lived an hour away.
Because she is expecting again! And she any time now.

"Where Alfie?" She asked gazing around the garden.
"He's coming! He'll be here soon! You know your brother, always last to show up!" I chuckled.

"April! How are you?" Gabe smiled. "Great! Thank-you! How are you?" We embraced together. "Great! Where's Leyton?" He was fond of Leyton! I was a bit jealous, who wouldn't be!!! But it's a guy thing. "He's inside sorting the food! He'll be out soon!" I smiled.

Alfie was successful with his music!! He worked super hard and graduated college with a music degree, going on to make his own music! He took the decision to move to LA for a bit to pursue his career and I was glad he did.
He found a music producer which led to him getting signed, he's now on the road to becoming a successful music artist. I couldn't be more proud.

Avery? She's now the CEO of her own medical grounds. It's small but it works. She followed in her dads footsteps of owning her own business. I am so proud of who she is. Her caring background pays off.

Leo, verity and Lottie? College students. They are in their last years! - Leo went on to study sport, football he wants to be a footballer when he graduates. He's very passionate, very handsome and of course the girls drool over him.

Verity? Very beautiful. Modelling actually, she's been signed by a company but they can't hire her until after graduation when she turns 18! - she studied Law. Smart and beautiful. What a combination.

Lottie-rose, our bloomer! Veterinary. She's graduating with a degree in veterinary. Her dream is to own her own vet surgery. With her own mini farm out the back with horses. -
I am incredibly proud of all my children, pursuing their dreams, with our help of course.

Leyton? Still my gorgeous husband. Still madly in love, still great sex!
His company boomed, as always, globally.
Myself? Clothing stores everywhere!- i blossomed eventually. New styles every season! - it was hot off the press! I had to hire new teams for each store. Whilst I have my family, and work from home more I needed more managers to manage the stores.

We were financially comfortable to not worry. That's all I have ever wanted for my family.

Today was our annual family get together. Barbecue! Just to have us all together for one day in the year was special to me. I cherished these moments.

"Waiting for me!" Alfie bellowed as he walked out into the garden!
"Alfie!!" We exclaimed.
The twins ran into his arms, they grew every time he saw them, their bond will forever be which was the best part.
"You made it bro! Good to see you!" Aubrey smiled as they both embraced each other.
"You to sis! Looking good!! Where's that brother in law?"
"Helping dad inside!"
Alfie looked my way "mom!" - "hello my boy, how are you?"
"Great! Thank-you! How are you?"
"I'm well ... it's good to have you here!" I smile.

This was what I dreamt of, a big happy family, no matter where we all are, we still all get together.
If I can look back now? I can honestly say we have bought our kids up well.
I couldn't be prouder!


"What you thinking about?" Leyton asked as he placed his arms around my shoulders.
"This. Us. Everything, how blessed we are to have this family" I say softly. As we watch the children watching a film altogether on the sofa. Romeo and Hallie asleep in the corner.
"We are truly blessed!- having you as a mother helps" he kisses my head softly.
"Don't be silly! You as a father is everything! - I couldn't of asked for anyone better than you"
I caress his arms as they drape around me.

"Shit .... Gabe .... it's time" Aubrey gasped as she sat up right.
"Now?" He confirms.
"Yes now ...."
panic stations the baby was coming.
"How long do we have?" He asks looking at his watch.
"Probably about an hour!" Aubrey stayed calm ... doing her breathing.
"Great ... because I have something to ask you. - Aubrey Steven's the moment I first met you I knew I loved you ... you are beautiful, the kindest human I have ever met ... you have a great family behind you .... you are the most amazing beautiful mother to my children!- we proved everyone wrong who said we wouldn't work, it hasn't been easy but .... I love you .... Aubrey Steven's .... will you marry me?"

Wait what? Gasps filled the room. Leyton was calm which I presume he already knew!

"What!!? I mean yes!!! Yes I want to be your wife!! It's about time!" Aubrey says with a smile then cries as he places the ring upon her finger kisses her softly.

"Now can we go have our baby?" He beamed excitedly. "Yes! Mom, dad, can you watch the twins?" Aubrey asks.
"Of course ... go have a baby, we will be right here waiting for you ... we love you" I smile placing a kiss upon her head and embracing Gabe with my arms.


What a beautiful magical evening this has been. I am in awe of this night, a night I won't ever forget.

Three hours went by ... the twins were now upstairs in bed asleep. Alfie took the other spare room and went to bed. I was awaiting the call from Aubrey.
"You are awake" someone says from the front door.
"Gabe!!" I exclaimed, "what's happened? Where is Aubrey!?" I ask looking behind him.
He smiles and in walks Aubrey with a baby in her arms.
"You didn't call!!"
"We wanted to surprise you! ... we want you both to meet your new grand daughter, Hope April Simmons" my heart was full, as they told me her full name. I could burst with pride.

Aubrey handed me my new grand daughter. I sat beside Leyton as we both looked at her beautiful face.

"She's perfect. Congratulations both of you ... welcome to the world, hope. You will be truly loved and blessed with all this love" I whisper.

As we gaze at her beautiful face ...

This is the life right now ... this is what we have waited for ....
this is what I waited for.

Right now I am content!-

I am in awe of everything. My life is perfect.

I wouldn't change anything for the world.

If I left this world right now I would be the happiest woman.

I can't tell my family I'm sick ... it would destroy the happiness.

I'm going to enjoy the time I have left, until. I can't no more.

Until next time ....

This is goodbye.


Thanks so much to all my readers!! I appreciate it so much!!
I am working on a book two for this story which will focus on Aubrey and the rest of the family!!
Stay tuned!

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