One hundred and three

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We cleared up after dinner.
The kids were upstairs. Showered, bathed and homework completed. They chilled out before bed.
I count myself lucky my marriage is still as spicy as it is! Considering some marriages at this stage, this many years on sometimes have their own issues.
He ran me a hot bath. And let me relax whilst Leyton settled the children down to sleep.

Just to relax was a treasure these days I treasured it when I got the chance. Just to reminisce on the past and where I am today, it's like two different people. I wouldn't change it for the world.

"How was the bath?" He smiles handing me a glass of red as I run the towel through my hair sitting beside him on the sofa.
"Relaxing thank-you, needed! Are they asleep?"
"Sound ... what are you thinking about?" He questions as we sit together.
"I was just reminiscing in the bath ... about life. Where I would've been today if I didn't cross paths with you ... would I have this life? Probably not! Am I greatful? More than anything, thanks to you. - but what if we didn't meet? I'd be struggling with my two jobs getting by, making sure my family were looked after. - my dad probably still here!" I sighed as I drank the wine.

"Baby, your dad was really sick! Regardless of your life changes, he wouldn't still be here - I believe we would of crossed paths during our time no matter what ... and I would fall in love with you all over again" he says as he caressed my cheek.

The fire burning in the background. It was setting the scene.

"I guess. I just miss him ... I wish he was here to see everything, the children. I'm just thankful you gave me the life that I needed" I say as I wipe a tear away from my cheek.
Leyton pulls me closer so I'm resting upon his chest.
"Baby he's always with you ... he will be so proud of you! The woman you have become the mother you are!- if I'm proud of you he'll be ten times prouder" he says softly stroking my hair as I lay on him.

"I hope so" I whisper. Wiping the tears away, staring into the glistening flames.

Life is so unfair sometimes but it gives you the gift of life at times.


Just a note - the next chapter I'll be bringing this story to an end - I hope you've enjoyed this - I have a new one in the process to be posted later today - thanks so much for your support and feedback!❤️

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