Fourty three.

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- April -

The party was a go, everyone was here- laughter filled the garden, the weather was beautiful! Maggie went on her honeymoon tomorrow so I'm thankful she was here to celebrate this special day with us.

My family was here, mom, dad and Jennie.
Leytons sister was here .. his dad was staying home with his mom. Figured.

All of our loved ones in our home. It made my heart full.

We gathered everyone together -  for the reveal.

"Before we announce the genders, we want to thank each of you for being here today. Unfortunately not everyone could attend ... but we're lucky to have the ones here who mean the most to us" I squeezed his hand tight.

We wanted to do something that no one would of thought of ... and what better than hiring planes to have the smoke coming out the back of the colours.

We all turned to face the sky ... the planes came across, within seconds the smoke came from behind - one of each pink and blue.

My heart was filled with joy, cheers filled the garden - my arms met Leytons neck and he span me round!
We have a son and a daughter.

"Prilly!! Congratulations!!" Maggie exclaimed as we sat together in the corner away from everyone else. "Thanks Mags! I cannot believe we have one of each! ... when do you leave?" - "tomorrow morning but we have an early start so we'll have to leave soon to pack! ... but we can have a good catch up when I get back?" - "of course ... I can't wait already!" - "and you're getting married? I mean what are the odds! From the beginning to now!! Have you started planning yet?" - "I know it's crazy, I never would of thought it would go like this but I wouldn't change it! - no! I'm gonna start planning once the babies are here - were in no rush ... I just know I cannot wait to marry him"

I look over in awe at how he is with my family, I guess because his family aren't as affectionate he gets it from mine, especially my mother. She just loves him.

The day concluded at 6pm! Everyone left once the cleaning up was done - I was exhausted! I was half way through this pregnancy and I couldn't wait for the next half.

A son and a daughter.

Here's to the next chapter of our book.

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