Thirty four.

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We arrived at what was the most beautiful place I've ever seen. It was like something from the movies, beautiful exterior - the interior was just as beautiful, crystal white everywhere with a hint of rose gold dashed around.

We checked in at the front desk. And was shown to a room where we could change into our spa wear, complimentary robes and slippers were given.

I was in heaven.
"Our first massage is booked in 10" Leyton smiled as he placed our bags inside a locker once we were changed.
"Perfect ... this is purely beautiful, thank-you" I kissed him softly before entwining my fingers with his and walking through the halls. "You deserve it, anything for you, and our babies"

Leyton was strangely quiet today, more than normal? But he usually talks to me if somethings bothering him? I'm sure he'll be fine I'll wait and see what happens.

We arrived to the massage rooms were our masseuse was waiting; I got a facial and a back massage all safe during pregnancy is was literally the most relaxed I've been in forever. I almost think I fell asleep for a while?

The spa was beautiful. As was April. I was nervous about this proposal, I hope she hasn't realised how quiet I've been today.
We walked to get our massages done I just couldn't relax.

I could hear a tiny snore coming from April's bed. Pretty sure she fell asleep! I tipped the masseuse extra to keep April occupied while I quickly left the room to double check on all the final preparation plans.

I booked a private lunch room for the two of us, as the weather was beautiful, we got a table outside on the balcony over looking the beautiful river ahead.

I made sure all the staff knew there cue when to come through I just wanted this to be perfect ... it was happening in a matter of less than an hour.

- April.

"Did I nap?" I yawned startling myself. "You did baby, but you needed it. Are you ready? We gotta go get changed for lunch our tables booked for half hour time"
He helped me off the table and we headed back to get changed, he also told me to pack a lunch outfit I mean anything I wear at the minute I didn't feel comfortable it! I just looked fat and pregnant.

I decided on a floral flow dress and sandals. This would have to do, Leyton led me through the halls to the lunch room where we was greeted by a young beautiful girl who escorted us through to the balcony ...

The view was spectacular. Absolutely beautiful. It was over looking the river, ducks were swimming around. The sun was beaming through but there was shade.

We was the only two out here. 


As we sat at the table the waiter bought out our first course. I decided on the food already I just knew April would love it and she did.

Before our second course was to arrive it was my moment.

"You know I love you, don't you?" - "what do you mean? Of course I do" - she didnt seem to click on which was good.
"I never thought I could be with anyone else since Avery, and then I met you. The beginning was not how we planned, and I didn't plan on falling for someone as beautiful and kind and amazing as you"
I got up and took her hand so we over looked the river.
"Leyton what's going on?" She giggled nervously.
"I've never felt this way since my high school sweetheart, but I'm glad I do ... you are my everything and more, I can't wait to have a family with you, be with you through everything, protect you and love you as long as you'll let me .."

This was it I got on one knee and opened the white box ...

"April Rhodes, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

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