Sixty eight

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- April -

All this week I pondered on what decision I was going to make. The pro and cons of each one. When in reality they were both great.

Thankfully I had Alfie and Aubrey to distract me. I decided to put them in their pram and go for a walk. A walk always cleared my head when I needed too.

The fresh air just hits different when you feel stressed.

We walked through the park. I took them both out so they could play in the baby part which had toys everywhere.
A little while later we was joined by some new mums. Who didn't look that old.

"Mind if we join?" She smiled "of course!" I smiled back making some room.
"I'm Ari this is Charlie!"
"Nice to meet you both, I'm April and this is Alfie and Aubrey!"
She cooed at them both when they smiled. "Beautiful! Twins?"
"Yeah, nearly 6 months!"

She seems lovely I guess these days with what I go through I can never be to careful with who I come across.

We spent the next hour talking getting to know each other. "Don't worry! I know who you are ... but I'm not the type to pry" she whispered. "Thanks! I try and keep a quiet profile"
"I get that. I would too!"

Before we left we exchanged numbers I guess it would be fun to have a mum friend to do these things with. She seems cool.

Walking home was like an obstacle. Trying to dodge the media ... I'm lucky we only love five minutes away! But still you just never know when they might spot you.

It was 4:30 when we got back, we had spent almost three hours at the park. I put on some dinner before giving the twins a quick wash down before tea time.

I had this under control.

Well I'd like to think so.

I mean meal times was a struggle feeding both but it was manageable.
"How two children get so messy is beyond me!! Bath time I think don't you!"


Leyton got home at 8pm! "How was your day?" He smiles sitting beside me. "Fine! We went for a walk in the park. Met a new mum she seems cool"

"That's great."
"How was work? Any more updates?"
"Not as of yet. Just planning at the minute ... hopefully we can start work next week"

We ordered in Chinese ... it was quick and we didn't have to cook.

"Have you thought anymore about what you're going to do?" He asks as we eat.
"Yeah I have ... I think I've made the right choice. But only time will tell"

I really hope this is the right decision. My tone was up.

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