Ninety five.

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- before I write I will be jumping years
Ahead as I'll be bringing this story to an end soon - however. I will be doing flashbacks etc of what happened -

- 10 Years later -
"Aubrey!! Enough!! Please just do your homework!"
"Ugh!! It's so unfair!!! I never have a life!!" She storms up the stairs and Her door slams shut.

I took a breather. No one ever told me teenagers were hard work, I don't even think I was this bad!!

Yes I have teenagers now, 14 year olds!

And also Lottie-Rose is now 10! It's crazy how time flies.

The past 10 years have been absolutely crazy! - beyond, I'm now the proud own of five stores world wide, so much so my family wants for nothing no more . We can live happily without now worries.
Leyton and me? Still happily married ... he's the key to my lock. My everything.
His business is striving also! We work hard for what we have that's for sure it doesn't just happen! We're thankful for the hardworking colleagues we do have who helps us!

We moved into a much bigger property ... more room more space more private!

Of course we have our three, but we also went on to have two more - we're now a family of 7! Some call us crazy! But I say organised chaos!
We had another boy - Leo and another girl Verity, Vee for short.
They were 8 and 6!

Both of our families were really good!! We saw them when we could travelling around but now we live further away it's harder to see them! But we talk every other day!

"Have I missed something?" Leyton asked as he walks in the front door from work, to hear the slam of Aubreys door.
"What haven't you missed .." I sighed kissing him hello!
"Tell me"
"She's in with the wrong crowd that's all ... up to no good crowd ..."
"Let me talk to her ..."
"No no let her calm down I'll have a word later. She's a teenager it's what they do apparently" I chuckled finishing off dinner.

We all sat together round the table eating dinner as families do.
"Alfie don't forget your band practise after school tomorrow" I say.
He was wanting to be a musician when he grows up and graduates ... if he gets into university of course.

"Great ... he can go band practise but I can't go out with my friends?" Aubrey snaps.
"Aubrey. Enough not in front of your brother and sister, we'll talk later!" I say calmly.
"Why???? Why mom!! So you can tell me not to hang out with them??? How wrong they are for me???"
I sighed. "No ... I wouldn't call them you're friends, Aubrey"
"What would you know? You don't pay me enough attention anyway to know what's going on in my life ... all you care about is Alfie and his music!!" Her attitude was definitely changing that's for sure.
"Aubrey!! Enough!! Keep going an you'll be grounded not going anywhere!!" I say trying to keep calm it was like arguing with myself at that age it was scary,

I could see Leyton getting angry at the corner of my eye.

"Ground me then!!! It's not like I can go anywhere anyway!!!! Maybe I should go stay at Hallies!! She'll treat me better!!"

"That's enough!! You don't speak to your mother that way, Aubrey go to your room, your grounded!" Leyton doesn't step in unless he has too.

She slams her cutlery down and goes upstairs.

I place my head in my hands, whilst Leyton put the children in the play room, asking Alfie to watch them! "Sure, mom are you ok?" He asks.
"Yeah, Alf I'm fine, honey! Don't worry!" I smile softly "she didn't mean it ... I'll talk to her later" he smiled sweetly.

"I don't know what to do with her now Ley," I sighed. He placed his hands upon my shoulders and rubbed them. "You're doing a great job ... she's just at that age ... she'll come round eventually"

"But what if she doesn't?! All I'm doing is protecting her ..."
"Which is what any mother will do for their children ... she'll need to learn the hard way! ..."

He's right.
But can I bare to see my little girl get hurt or do something she'll regret in the future?

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