"Mom means we'll, Aubs. You cannot talk to her like that regardless who your friends are, you need to remember we are your only family, you lose us, who will you have?"
I could hear Alfie talking to Aubrey in her room.
I guess having children of your own and bringing them up you're never told of what can happen through the years no one hands you a hand book on raising children especially as they reach their teen years."But you have so much more leeway than me it's not fair" Aubrey sighs.
"Maybe if you respected mom more she would give you some too, I have band practise and music exams that's why ... you have to remember you'll always be her little girl! You need to apologise before anything else""Mom?" Aubrey calls out as she comes down the stairs.
"Yes honey"
"I'm sorry. I should of acted like that, it wasn't me. I guess ... I'm just frustrated"
"I tell you what ... you prove to me and your dad you can be careful? And have your curfew you can go"
"Yes, 11pm no later, break it your grounded" Leyton jumped in."I promise, no later. I gotta go call kels. I love you" she beamed a smile as she ran up the stairs talking to her friends. "Girl pick me up in 10!"
"Wrong decision?" I sighed.
"No ... the right one, baby she'll learn her own way, I promise" Leyton says as he reassuringly puts his arms around my shoulders pressing light gentle kisses upon my head.I watched from the window but slightly back so they didn't see ... Aubrey was a complete different person when she was with her friends? Was this the normal? A teen thing?
I can only hope she has a good head on those shoulders and uses her brain correctly, when she needs too.
The only thing I want to do right in my life? Make sure I raise my kids the right way.

Only his surrogate
Romance"Its simple. you give me a baby. I pay you double of what was offered." Leyton says in a dark tone. no feeling what so ever. I knew nothing about him? and now suddenly he wants my ovaries for a baby? April Rhodes was a struggling 22 year old living...