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Was being past tense. 

It was in my previous relationship; Toxic. unwanted. I fell pregnant, unfortunately due to unhappy times at home, i miscarried it was the most horrendous day of my life. I was 17 weeks. I knew this story i had to tell him, but when? 

Our first doctors appointment was tomorrow at 10am, we managed to fit in the schedule between my classes. I had to keep this secret from my family as long as i could, this was not something i was going to tell them out of the blue, when the time is right, they will know. 

I crammed as much study time is as i could especially with finals around the corner; and graduation creeping in. If this is planned correctly, I wont be showing if i fall pregnant now, in the grad photos. I will still be flat ... 

"April, you know you have to tell him your previous right? what if you have the same doctor who dealt with you? how will you explain that one?" Maggie was always the one with the questions. "I know ... My only time is today or tonight? Our first appointment is tomorrow, Or when im changing i ask the doctor to not say nothing ... confidentiality and all that" i sighed, tracing my finger around my decaf coffee cup. "yeah you could, but he will find out eventually ... do you even know who he is?" Maggie asked, she knew i was clueless with the whole knowing someone. 

She gave me her phone. she searched Leyton Stevens, tons came up - his family - his past - i read some articles. "A, He was due to be married to his high school sweetheart. She fell in love with his brother. She left him at the alter." Maggie began and then proceeded to tell me more. I couldn't believe what i was hearing, how much he has been through; my heart hurt. 


Thankfully the doctor was not my previous, and i knew she couldnt discuss my history with Leyton present so i was safe, for now. "Ms Rhodes welcome, Leyton good to see you" she smiles as i sit upon the bed. "thanks!" i smile back. noticing all the items on the bench beside her. "so, this appointment, April. we are simply going to do a simple small procedure" she explains in detail what will happen. that is enough for anyone to be put off. but im willing to do this. After agreeing i laid back comfortably but nervous and let her do what she had to do. 

Basically inject his sperm into my lady region with a needle, it was not best comfortable but it didn't hurt. It was over within a few minutes. "All done, we suggest that you lay down for a few minutes before getting up ... and when you get home take it easy, no heavy lifting anything like that ... give it three weeks before testing. but dont be alarmed if this doesnt work first time. Hopefully see you again soon!" she smiles before leaving the room. 

This was it. Its happening. 

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