Seventy eight.

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- Christmas break -
I honestly couldn't believe a new year was approaching it was crazy.
I finished my last day at work yesterday so now I get to spend my whole time at home with my own little family!

All gifts were wrapped and ready. We was decorating the whole house today, well Leyton was! I've been told to take the twins out to a Christmas mall thing in the town centre while he decorated he wanted it to be a surprise.

I guess I couldn't argue with that!!

I call Ari and her and Charlie came along too! It was nice to spend time with them both! It's just unfortunate Maggie and myself have drifted so much we barely even talk, just the odd few words here and there.

We arrived at the mall it was decorated beautifully fake snow every where ... trees. Santa's everywhere.

The kids were loving it.
Secretly I was too. I was like a big kid at Christmas. It was all about family! My family were coming down for Christmas this year which I was excited about I couldn't wait.

We walked around the mall at different stalls! Catching up on recent events I wanted to tell Ari so bad about the pregnancy but i had to wait until she got her gift. Thankfully I wasn't showing much so I could hide it.

We arrived home four hours later.

I was excited to see what he had done!
He met us outside smiling. "Daddy!" They both exclaimed as they ran into his arms! He scooped them up pressing extra kisses all over.
"How was your day?" He smiles to me as I approach him and kiss him softly.
"Good! They loved it! How was yours?"
"Great! We're done. But close your eyes!"
He acted like a kid at Christmas, figured.
I don't as he asked and held his hand. I heard him open the front door and walk me inside.

I could smell the pine leaves from the tree.

"Ok ... open!"
He removed his hand from my eyes. I blinked them open a few seconds, my eyes before me were greeted with the most beautiful view I've ever seen.
"Wow!" I whispered as I took it all in. There was white and green trees everywhere ... lights flashing on and off ... fake snow up ... it was a magical winter wonderland.

I walked further towards the garden. Which was decorated throughly and beautifully! The ground was full of the falling snow .... a Santa's grotto in the back for the little ones. This was like my childhood dream coming true.

"Leyton this is magical ... I love it"
I was in awe at all the lights dimming in the background and all around.
"You're welcome baby. I just wanted to make this a special Christmas in our new home"
His arms wrapped around my shoulders.
"And it will be. I can't wait"


It was only a week until Christmas. We was getting everything ready. The spare room for my family.
Arranging with Leytons family when to come over this was going to be one busy day but I was excited.

The twins loved the decorations! Seeing them happy made us happy. Knowing I could re live my love of Christmas through the children.

They went outside exploring while I made breakfast.
My family were arriving Friday, I was stoked.

Even more excited that we get to tell everyone we're expecting again!
I was beginning to form a bump so it was starting to become a lot harder to hide it thankfully the weather was jumped weather and I always wore baggy jumpers!

"Breakfast!" I called out to the twins who came walking inside and Leyton came downstairs. The smell of fresh coffee always drew him out of bed.
"Why didn't you wake me?" He yawned and stretched at the same time. God he was so hot when he did that ... if you think of Christian grey from fifty shades films? He's just like that only hotter.

"Because I was already awake and couldn't sleep so I left you to sleep ..." I smiled kissing him softly as I handed him his breakfast.

I couldn't stomach anything this morning my morning sickness was outrageous!

We decided to go on a walk this morning to hopefully ease it off, however every time I moved I felt worst for it.
"God ... I don't remember being this sick with these two!" I mumbled as I came out the bathroom for the tenth time before we left to go outside.

"It's all natural baby. If you feel worse when we start walking we'll come back!"

The twins got in their push chair and we started walking. I just told myself I could do it I could do it ... nope I cannot do this.

"No, babe? Look you take Alfie an Aubrey for a walk! I'm gonna go back to bed! Honestly .. don't let them miss out"
"I would rather be close to you!" He frowned.
"I'll be fine I'll call if I need you and you're not back"
His lips pressed lightly upon my head "ok ... I love you"
"I love you too, bye babies mommy will see you soon" I kissed then quick before rushing inside.

I guess this is normal but fucking hell, for someone who has a phobia of being sick this is my worst night mare! Horrendous!


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