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I met up with Maggie for dinner, I've missed her we've both been so busy it was nice to have girl time I knew Leyton would be at the club anyway. And it beats staying home alone.

I also got a phone call today! The hospital have offered me a position as a paediatrics nurse! I'm so thrilled.

"So tell me everything?" Maggie loved a bit of gossip especially when it was me.
I told her from the beginning what happened until now ... her facial expressions told me enough rather than words.
"What?!' So you're officially dating?" She exclaimed quietly.
"Yeah, but in exclusively, we don't want the press finding out yet."
"That's fair ... I'm so happy for you. And now a Job? Here's to you ..." she beams we clink glasses.

I didn't realise how hungry I was until the food came out it smelt delicious and tasted it too.
"I have some news .... the wedding is back on!" Maggie was engaged to Sean, but they called it off due to family issues! "We've set the date a month from today"

"Mags! That's amazing ... I'm so happy for you!!"

Of course the rest of the evening was wedding talk which I didn't mean seeing as I was her maid of honour! It also took my mind off of everything else.

"Leyton? You home?" I call out as I close the door behind me. No answer. He must still be at work.

Now we're dating I had no idea where I was sleeping? Do I go to my room or not?
Fuck it.

I got ready for bed and crawled into his bed. It was soft and warm ... I was so ready to sleep.

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