Ninety One

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Nobody ever gives you a parenting book in life, its just one of those things you have to deal with. I mean it is the most amazing job in the world, hard, of course, but i wouldn't change it for the world. 

its been one week since we got to go home, Im still recovering and sore but im good. Lottie-rose was perfect as ever, I forgot what it was like having a new born. the cuddles, my favourite part. Aubrey and Alfie were the perfect brother and sister, they really took on the role. 

Leyton was just incredible as always, more so now than ever, the only time he let me move was when i needed to exercise my legs or go to the toilet. I wasn't quite up for visitors, so every day for an hour Leyton would take Lottie-rose to meet her family, whilst i stayed at home and rested.

The perks of having your own business and working from home was that, literally working from home. I left my store managers in charge but i was on hand if they needed any support. I managed to get an hour in today looking at the books and finances. 

I guess its kind of easier now the twins are in pre school every day of the week, so i only have one at home, i felt overwhelmed by the amount of gifts and cards i and we received. it was beautiful. 

"oh i've missed you my baby girl" i smile as i lift her from her car seat. "hows your dad and everyone?" i smile. "great. they loved her, of course. When you're better they want a family dinner" - "sure! I'll be better soon im sure" i smile in reply, I was currently breastfeeding and formula feeding just so i knew she had a little extra every feed. 

Leyton made us all dinner and bathed the twins before the bed time routine, He was honestly the best dad anyone could ever ask for, for their children, i was truly blessed to have him father my children. My heart was full every time i saw him with them, the love in all of their faces explained it. I was able to get up and do the bedtime reading, and tucking them in. we spent an hour together before Alfie and Aubrey fell asleep. 

"here you go baby, medication time'' - ''oh yeah! thanks! im exhausted and ive done nothing, how does that work?" i question yawning as i take my tablets. "You have just given birth a week ago, you went through hell .. you deserve some rest baby" he smiles as he touches my cheek softly. "lay with me? while she sleeps?" i smile as we watch Lottie-rose in her rocking basket. He lays with me stroking my hair as my head rests on his chest. within seconds i knew i fell asleep, i just felt him put my on my pillow kiss my head gently and place the comforter over me. 

I haven't felt this tired since the twins. Although? this felt a different tired, not the im sleepy tired?

Its just a glitch, im sure ill be fine. 

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