Sixty two.

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- April - 

the sunshine hit my face as we stepped off the plane. I was discharged from hospital last week, just in time for our honeymoon to begin, we booked the Maldives a beautiful island. - We only booked a week, Alfie and Aubrey were staying with Frankie for the week she offered she insisted a honeymoon was for the two of us to be together. We would facetime every single day though, I spent as much time with them both as i could this last week. 

Our car was awaiting for us as we approached the end of the Airport, in the pick up area. We drove towards the hotel we was staying in, the views on the way were spectacular it was honestly the most beautiful place i have ever seen. 

"Mr and Mrs Stevens, welcome! we hope you enjoy your stay here with us; here is your room key." The receptionist smiled as she checked us in. She handed us our room keys, and we headed towards the room. "After you, Mrs Stevens" Leyton smile. "my pleasure, Mr stevens" I beamed back as i entered the room, i was in absolute Awe of what my eyes saw. 

The room was crystal white, chandeliers in every room. the bath tub was big enough for four people, the bathroom its self was huge. The best part was opening the patio doors and stepping straight onto the white sandy beach ... the sea was clear blue. "impressed?" Leyton says as he wraps his arms around my waist planting a kiss upon my cheek. "Highly, this is so beautiful" I sighed taking in the view. "your worth everything ... so you know we've been married a week now ... and we still haven't you know, christened ourselves" he mumbled as he kissed my neck continuously. 

I turned to face him, "well dont you think its time we did ..." i bit my lip as my arms draped around his neck. He scooped me up bridal style and carried me back in doors laying me back upon the bed. i pull him down so his lips meet mine, his hands caressing my body lightly, every touch sends tingles through my body. 

he removes both of our clothes as our bodies entwine together. Sex with Leyton is even more amazing than the last time, He pulls out new moves every time i swear. 

After three more times, we showered and then headed out to the beach to catch some sun before sunset. Sun cream applied, i had no choice. Cocktails bought over every time our glasses were empty.  This was the life. Definitely the relaxation break we both needed. 

The quiteness gives you time to reflect and think about everything. Especially me, the pain i've been through, How someone wanted to kill me? How lucky i am to have everything i have. "What you thinking about?" He questions as we sit pondering the view. "hmm ... oh. Just reflecting i guess you could say - us, what we have. How far i've come since graduation." i sighed. "You have, you amaze me every single day ... im so proud of what you have achieved. Becoming a mother to twins. graduating, a Job which you are amazing at ... Never doubt yourself, you will always have me protecting you, and i will continue to do so" he kissed the back of my hand. 

We headed out to the town for dinner at 7pm, I wore a flower dress and flat shoes, the weather was still pretty warm in the evenings. it was even more beautiful, if that was possible. It was a beautiful steak place. wherever you go you cannot beat your favourite food. "you look beautiful tonight ..." - "this old thing? stop!" i chuckled - "tell me about your club? whats the next move?" - I loved hearing about his business, his compassion. "meetings! they want to expand"  - "they? isnt it your decision?" - "hines sight yes, but i do have a team who helps alot. and want what is best for the business" - "your business that you grew and expanded yourself?" i sounded confused. "Not just a pretty face. Smart too" - " i just speak honesty. If you want to expand then expand ... if you don't then don't its your choice". 

I have always wondered about running a business but i've never thought of myself as a business woman i learn alot from Leyton and the way he speaks about it. "I have a proposition for you .. wife" he smiles as he drinks his wine. "and what is that?" - "business. come into the business with me, alongside your work, i wouldn't expect you to give it up. Work from home when you can and help me" - "seriously? me working for Stevens empire ... sounds perfect" i winked clinking my glass with his. 

April Stevens, business woman, has a ring to it, dont you think?

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