- April -
How dare she still be confess her undying love for him?
The rage inside me was steaming, I just knew Grace had something to do with this.She stepped forward towards us, mainly me.
Without even second thinking my hand raised up and swiped her face.
I reached into her jacket and ripped out a microphone and her ear piece."Grace, your game is up!" I hissed into the microphone before stamping upon it on the floor. I could hear Leyton sighing behind me.
"You're lucky I'm pregnant ... Avery, because I would beat you into next week."
"You? Don't make me laugh, hun. You couldn't get me if you tried" and here are the true colours.
"I won't be pregnant forever ... then we'll see what happens"At this moment Grace came round the corner guilt all over her face.
Leyton stepped in front of me, like some protection.
"Mother ... did you set all this up? For Avery to come and ruin what me and April have?""I'm only doing what we both know is right, darling. This is the one you belong with ... not some little immature girl" she snarled towards me.
"Don't worry Grace, when he realises what he's lost he'll come running back" Avery smirked.
"Both of you!! Enough!! My life is and always will be, with April. Avery I loved you ... so much but you hurt me, I cannot forgive that. And mother, you're my mom I will love you always, but if you cannot accept my new life and my new family, then I don't want you to be a part of it!" Leyton finally snapped ive never seen this side of him, his whole body image changed, his posture stiffened his eyes looked dark and angry.
"And here he is .... the real Leyton Stevens ... are you gonna tell your precious fiancèè or shall I?" Avery smiled.
"Tell me what, Leyton?" Now I was scared. What was he hiding? And why didn't I know?

Only his surrogate
Romance"Its simple. you give me a baby. I pay you double of what was offered." Leyton says in a dark tone. no feeling what so ever. I knew nothing about him? and now suddenly he wants my ovaries for a baby? April Rhodes was a struggling 22 year old living...