Fifty three.

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- Leyton - 

"Leyton, this way please" Dr tyler was on shift she escorted myself and the twins to a room near by. "April has sustained a head injury to the front temple ... she is stable for now ... what happened?" - "my mother. drugged her. i dont know what with or how. - how serious is the head injury?" - "we will know more when we get her results back, we took some bloods, I will come and check on her in an hour. you can go through shes in the room to the right" 

a head injury? We had everything going for us, we still do. April is always right whenever we are happy something or someone comes along and tries to ruin it all for us. As i carry Alfie and Aubrey in their car seats and open the door, April lays in the bed opposite me. on machines. she looks so peaceful. this was a family room, there was cots for the babies thankfully. I placed them both in one each so they could sleep before a feed. I walked around the bed side and placed a kiss upon Aprils cheek and held her hand. 

"I love you ... Im sorry, forgive me" 

- April - 

I don't remember what happened everything appears a blur. I could hear voices but no one i could recognise, Open your eyes April!! come on!! "stabilise her and we will run some tests and see what caused this" Dr tyler i knew that voice anywhere. 

I could hear machines beeping around me. it was silent until i felt a soft touch upon my cheek and a warm touch on my hand. Leyton, he was here. 

"I love you ... Im sorry, forgive me"  was all i heard, his tear drop dripping onto my hand. 

I moved.

- Leyton - 

''April?" i question, she moved. I pressed the red button on the wall. her call button. Dr tyler came in, "she moved, her hand moved and her eyes twitched when i touched her." - "April can you hear me? its Dr Tyler. can you try open your eyes for me if you hear me?" - it was the anticipation of waiting, it felt like months. but it was minutes., her eyes were flickering- her body moving; "If you can hear my voice April, open your eyes and look at me" Dr Tyler asked.

She did. She was awake. After a few visibility tests and speech tests, April was awake, looking at me smiling as i held her hand approaching her. "why the serious face .." she joked. I just kissed her. Experiencing what it felt like to lose the one i love was the most heartbreaking thing i have had to go through. "also, dont blame yourself, this wasn't your fault."

Alfie began to cry, "i think someone misses their mom" I smiled as i walked over to lift Alfie out of his crib and handed him over to April who cradled him tight and smothered him in her soft sweet kisses. "Are they ok?" she asked. Now wasn't the time to tell her what happened, until she asks. or Dr tyler comes in and tells her. "fine. they are fine" i smile softly as i lift Aubrey out. "good ... and?" I knew what she meant. Thankfully, saved by the bell the door opened it was The other doctor on duty, Dr James. 

"April, how are you feeling?" he asks. "fine. sore but fine" - "good. so we have your test results back, your bloods, it is indicating that there was traces of sedatives in your body, however for you to collapse the way you did it couldn't of been one. this would be more like 3 or four - Your head injury, the brain scan shows no signs of blood in the brain or any brain damage" he explains. even i was shocked. 

"sedatives? that must be why my coffee tasted slightly funny!! when can i go home?" April asked on edge. "well as everything appears fine, I dont see why you cannot go home today, however we want you to come straight back if there are any other side affects you feel" he smiled softly. "Of course, thank-you Dr James" - "very welcome, ill go and get your discharge papers ready, and ill be back shortly" 

As soon as Dr James left, April turned to me. "what actually happened at home, Leyton?" she questions as she hops out of bed to get dressed after placing Alfie in his crib. "Jane found you on the floor unable to wake you. she phoned me, i came back home. Mother had the twins in her arms, she claimed you and her were fine ... however Jane explained what happened. - Mother admitted she put sedatives in your drink ... shes currently getting help" 

"she drugged me? - I don't remember anything, the last thing i remember, was drinking my coffee and then collapsing, Leyton, shes a danger to herself and our family, I wont accept her back" - She shook her head in disbelief as April slipped on her shoes. "I agree, baby, im so sorry this happened" 

"You are not to blame. If anything i am to blame i let her in our home, but i wanted to hear her out .." - "dont blame yourself. ever. Mom needed help, shes getting the help she deserves." I placed a kissed upon her lips. 

"now can we get all of us home, we have a wedding to plan?"

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