Sixty seven.

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I have Alfie and Aubrey a bath before their bed time ... considering I've barely seen them today! I made sure bath time was extra special with extra bubbles and toys.

I pulled out the gruffalo book to read! Believe it or not it was a favourite. - once they were both ready for bed and had bottles. I laid them down in their cribs and switched on the night lights before beginning to read.


Once they were asleep I saw Leyton at the door as I kissed them both good night he startled me. "I love the way you read to them .." he smiled. "Why?" I chuckled pulling the door to. "The voices you use ... it's great. They love it"
"My mom and dad used to do it for me when I was little I was amazed! I hope they will be too!"

He took me into the kitchen where he had made dinner. It was beautiful but all I wanted to do was sit and weigh out my options for which career path to take.

"So the development team came back to me today!! They've found the perfect location in London for a new club opening!" Leyton smiled as he poured the wine.
"That's amazing!! Where?"
"Soho! One of the main towns. I get the contracts in a week"
"Leyton that's amazing news! Congratulations" we clinked glasses.
"You're amazing idea!"
"I know but it's you're work! I just help when I can" I swear he never takes credit for his own work. He's worked hard for what he has he should be proud!

After dinner I sat in front of the fire place with both notebooks in hand - my nursing and my possible future.

I pondered for a while.
This wasn't a decision I could make on one night ...

I emailed Vanessa and explained I would have an answer for her next week. I needed time to look through both.
She was more than happy with that.

All I knew was this wasn't going to be an easy decision ...



My wife never fails to amaze me, what she does. Who she is. Bringing her into the business industry was the perfect decision.

She's been given all these opportunities she doesn't know what to do. I would never tell her what to do it's her own decision. I know how much she loves nursing ... she studied incredibly hard for it.

However I know, she knows this new opportunity can open so many doors ... she has my full support all the way. I just want her to make the right choice.

I could see her sitting in front of the fire place after dinner, I walked up and sat behind her placing my arms around her waist.
"Don't stress too much baby. Give yourself some time" I whispered as I kissed her cheek.

"I am ... I've got a week. I don't know ... I mean I feel I'm throwing away all my years of studying for something completely new, and what if this doesn't work?"

She was tense I could tell. "You'll always have the experience of nursing behind you ... that's something that won't ever change. But this new adventure could be something that goes far. Expands ... you just have to ask your self is that a risk you want to take?"

She just hated it when I was right but I loved it secretly.

"This is why I need your words of wisdom even if you are right ..." she smiled.

"Now can your husband take you to bed?"

"I need to release this stress so yes ... take me please!"

She didn't need to ask twice. I stood up and carried her over my shoulder up the stairs. Checking on the twins first who were snoring quietly but loudly.

"Now ... how can I help ease this stress?" I ask as she lays on the bed with me propped over her.

She gave me a look - "you decide ..." she bit her lip.

The only look that I needed.

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