- April -
I've never felt so many emotions at one time. Pain, sadness. Joy.
I never thought labour would be like this; such a worrying time. I tried to stay calm as I knew that's what's best for the babies but I just couldn't help but wonder what if somethings wrong with one of them?Dr Tyler examines me again - "ok, you're 7cm dilated ... you have another three to go before we can start delivery"
"What's going to happen?"
"We want to give you and the twins the safest delivery, we want you to push at 10 and get one out and if the second is still breech. Then I'm afraid we will look at c section"
The one thing I didn't want to happen. All my fears at once were happening.I could feel myself panicking my palms were sweating ... my heart was racing ...
"April, baby?" Leyton says as he holds my hand. He could see I was struggling ... my chest felt tight.He calmed me down within five minutes. This was not how I expected my labour to go.
An hour passed and I was finally at 10cm! I was given some more pain relief to relax and help me. This was it ... our babies were coming.
"Final push April .."
my chin met my chest and I pushed with all I had!! You'd be surprised pushing for half an hour really makes you exhausted.I pushed and pushed again ... a feel of relief became over me- "congratulations! It's a boy" she smiled as she handed him to the nurses in the corner ... there was silence for a matter of minutes which felt like hours. The sound of a baby's cry filled the room.
My eyes filled with tears. I couldn't believe it. There was no time to waste - a miracle over looked us because our daughter had turned herself once our son came out.
She was ready. It was time. Another half an hour she was here.
"Your daughter ... congratulations"Her cry filled the room minutes after she was here.
We was complete. I held Leyton close as the nurses bought over our children. "You have made me the happiest man alive, I'm incredibly proud of you ..." he kissed me tight but loving.
I was placed our son in my arms and Leyton our daughter.
"Any names!" The midwife beamed a smile.
"Yeah ... this is Alfie and that is Aubrey" they fitted perfectly.Alfie and Aubrey Stevens, welcome to the beautiful world.

Only his surrogate
रोमांस"Its simple. you give me a baby. I pay you double of what was offered." Leyton says in a dark tone. no feeling what so ever. I knew nothing about him? and now suddenly he wants my ovaries for a baby? April Rhodes was a struggling 22 year old living...