Seventy five - 6 months

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"I now declare April's designs officially open!" My store my own store was open here in London England! It was crazy!! After blood sweat and tears I finally completed it but not with the help of my amazing team and the support from my husband.

It was opening night ... media everywhere snapping opportunities where they could. Thankfully I was surrounded by loved ones, well some who could travel. And my own fans. Which felt bizarre to say.

Being asked for photos ... it was madness.

These six months went by super fast ... Christmas was just round the corner and we had so much to do still. The twins were half way to two and were terrors in the making but I wouldn't have it any other way.

We visited my family for a week after fashion week, it was amazing to just relax and not worry about work.
Have family time with my mom and dad and sister and of course Leyton, Aubrey and Alfie.
It was those moments that I cherished ...

And me and Leyton has our first date night in forever which was beautiful and needed! Not that we needed the passion in our lives but it was nice to have some alone time.

Ari and myself had become even close she felt like my younger sister, her and Toby are expecting baby number two! Which I'm thrilled about ... which gave me the idea for my next project to design baby clothes!

Charlie the twins had become the best of friends which was great to see, as-well as Leyton and Toby, so much so Toby now worked for Leyton, well us - as security at the club back home.

Business was booming! Although we was only in London for today and travelling back tonight I needed to make sure everything and everyone was up to date with how the shop was running
It was down to the store manager - Steph who would be running the store whilst I was back home. She was my favourite to interview ...

I made sure she knew everything before I handed her the keys. And the new employees were starting tomorrow. I would be checking in every other day anyway.

But If this store becomes a success who knows where else we might end up.


Flying home was long but I just couldn't wait for us all to get back. We arrived back by midnight - thankfully the twins were sound asleep so we just carried them to bed after a nappy change.

I was exhausted I didn't even change to get myself into bed - myself and Leyton just fell into bed, cuddled up and the next thing I knew the sun light was beaming through the window.

"Mommy, daddy" I heard little voices say. It must be dawn. I squinted my eyes open looking at the clock it was 7:30am - "good morning monkeys!" I smiled lifting them both up into the bed. Which where we all had a cuddle for a good half an hour before getting up for breakfast.

I was still on cloud nine from last night and my store opening! I couldn't believe it was happening, my own clothes were being bought by actual customers. This stuff doesn't happen to girls like me.

We made bacon and eggs for breakfast with fresh coffee of course, I just couldn't get enough of the stuff at the minute.

Leyton has business plans today so I knew he would be gone until at least lunchtime but that was ok. I got the day with the twins and he has us this afternoon. We just had to make it extra special any family time we do have.

We spent the morning in the garden in the pool playing games ... building blocks all the stuff to tire them out so they still could have a mid morning nap before lunch! Thankfully Aubrey and Alfie were sleeping by 11am! Which gave me an hour to myself.

Although I had a sudden rush of though. I checked my phone ... clicked on a specific app. My heart jumped.
"Shit .." I whispered tapping my phone screen with my thumb.

"My periods late by four weeks"

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