Twenty eight

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We left the hospital in awe of what we was just told.
I was prepared for one baby, but two? How will I do it?
"April are you ok?"
"Hm? Oh yeah ... just shocked I guess!"
"We can do this baby, I'm by your side" he kissed my hand as we drove off.

We chose to tell our families tomorrow; for now we kept it quiet.
I guess I never saw my life like this; if you asked me last year I would be with a billionaire and pregnant with twins I would of laughed in your face. But the reality is? I've had to grow up fast, I've got two lives who are depending on me now.

We were hosting a dinner party for Leytons family this evening - this was the time to tell them, my family was tomorrow.
They were arriving at 6pm we had six hours. Leyton had to deal with some business at the office, I told him to go I had Jennie to help me prepare I was fine.

I knew his mom was the one to impress tonight; she was in our home at least. One food preparation was done I went upstairs to shower and slip into my little black dress and heels. Putting my hair up into a top bun and applied minimal makeup.

It was 5pm Leyton was still not here, shit. I couldn't deal with his family alone.

There was a knock at the door.
As I opened it cameras flashed from everywhere I felt blinded "what the?"
"Who are you?"
"Has Leyton got a girlfriend?" The paparazzi were looming upon the door way. Shit. Fuck. How did they get the address.

I froze I didn't know what to think I couldn't move.
I felt sick.

I went to push them away but they were quite forceful and came forward. "April!!" I heard someone call out it was Leyton he was home, he grabbed me from between the paps and took me inside.

"Baby are you ok?"

I just froze sitting on the sofa.
I couldn't believe that was his life? How did he deal with that?

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