It was noon. My meeting with Leyton was today, now. I had time to go home and change, i threw on my pencil skirt and white blouse tucked in - i had no idea who this man was, or who his wife was? how to dress, dress to impress was how i was always taught. I curled my hair and let it fall down my back loosely.
I had some time spare I took some time to myself think to myself before I make any rash decisions - I've had continuous arguments with myself over this. My family? They don't need to know, I mean this is my body my choice. If anything if I decide to do this I'm doing this for the good of them - I can give them a life changing thing ... especially health wise. - but my future? This is all career changing possibly? Life changing? So many decisions need to be made .... I'm a smart girl, I got by in school my grades were always A. I'm about to graduation university, and I'm now debating whether to give a stranger a baby? Am I kidding myself right now? It's decision time
"Welcome to Shevolay, reservation?" this place was fancy im so glad i decided on this outfit. "yeah, im meeting a mr stevens? Leyton?" she smiled softly. "right this way" she led me through the restaurant and out the back, it was private, in a separate room almost. Was this the part i was gonna get kidnapped?
"Can i get you a drink?" she asked as i approached the table. "erm, wine please. white" i smiled. wrong decision? probably, needed? definitely. "Mr stevens ... your guest has arrived" he stood from the table, he was tall ... dark and handsome. literally. as he turned his face was something you would see in the movies, his cheek bones were flawless. his body was muscular in the right places, he was ... perfect.
"Ms Rhodes. pleasure to meet you" he holds out his hand. "April, please. pleasure is all mine ... Mr stevens" i half smile shaking his hand. firm and strong. "Mr stevens is my father, call me Leyton" he ushered to the chair and waited for me to sit down. the waitress bought over our drinks. the same. interesting.
After a few awkward moments he broke the ice and began a conversation o why I'm actually here.
"So, why surrogacy? April, your a young woman .." - "Honestly?" he gave me a look. well fuck it he would find out sooner or later. I told him everything from the drunk night to my family needing medical attention... "I see .. and is this something you are serious about? do you know what you are offering?" he was stern, i kind of like it. "yeah, my body, and my ovaries to you? for a baby? for money?" he smirked. "something like that ... I am willing to offer you double, if you accept" double?
"double? can i at least think about this?" now thinking about it and talking to a potential dad to a baby that im giving him ... i was shitting this. "sure. but i must tell you ... April i am an impatient person, so dont leave me too long" he wasn't kidding.
We spent the next hour talking about me, career, my past. he wanted to know everything. He paid the bill before we walked outside. "Give me 24 hours ... i will give you an answer tomorrow" confidence is key. "sure. I will be waiting. nice to meet you, April" He shook my hand again, All i wanted to do was jump on him, rip his clothes off.
He was ... interestingly beautiful. My stomach flipped at the thought of seeing him again ... i couldnt wait.

Only his surrogate
Romance"Its simple. you give me a baby. I pay you double of what was offered." Leyton says in a dark tone. no feeling what so ever. I knew nothing about him? and now suddenly he wants my ovaries for a baby? April Rhodes was a struggling 22 year old living...