Fifty Five

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- April - 

My wedding day was here. the final preperations were completed last night. My family were here, my bestfriend Maggie had arrived but cutting it fine. This was my dayy, my emotions were everywhere, excitment, nerves, scared. everything. But i knew in a matter of three hours i would be marrying my bestfriend. 

My mom and dad had the twins whilst i finished getting ready, i chose to stay at home, i was comfortable here and i didn't have to move the twins about. Leyton went to his family home to get ready, i almost felt like my left arm has gone. 

"How you feeling?" Maggie smiled as she handed me champagne. "Fine. Im excited!! you look beautiful" i beamed as she stood in front of me in her bridesmaid dress - long satin, blush pink, it went perfect with her skin tone. "thanks, but you will look even more beautiful when your dress is on!! - any news on Grace?" - i shook my head in response, "no, none. she wont be here today, im sad for Leyton and his family, but this is for the best" - My hair and makeup was complete. "dress time!! come on!!" Maggie and Jennie exclaimed with excitment, unzipping the dress from the bag as it hung from the back of the door. 

This was it. 

We arrived outside the church, it was beautiful. my dad opened the car door and helped me out. Jennie and Maggie walked in front me, Whist i trailed behind. I could hear the music ahead of me, this was it i was getting married. 

- Leyton - 

I could not believe our wedding day has arrived. three months have flown by, if it taught me anything it taught me how strong we are as a family unit. How strong April really is, and how much i could not wait to make her my wife. 

I stayed with my father last night, It was only fair. My wedding day was here - the excitement was real, but my emotions were everywhere. In a matter of hours i will have a wife, a wife who i love for all eternity. 

As i got my suit on - I double checked it in the mirror before helping my dad with his, "whats wrong?" i ask him as i do his tie. "Its a shame your mother couldn't be here today" - "It is, but unfortunately, dad, she needed help. I wasn't going to let her near my family the way she was" 

He knew i was right but hated to admit it. 
The cars arrived and drove us to the church half an hour away, it was decorated beautifully inside and out. The photographer snapping his photos as all the guests arrived. I waited a further half an hour before the music began, this was it, she was here. 

As everyone stood i turned slightly and ahead of me, April was walking towards me, she looked absolutely beautiful, her dress trailed all the way down and out slightly, her veil sat perfectly down her back and her smile just out done the rest. 

This woman was about to become my wife, Mrs stevens. 

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