- April -
I surprised myself, i had a few hiccups but nothing i could not handle. Leyton arrived home just in time for the twins bedtime. "How was work?" i smiled as he came into the nursery. "Fine. busy, but i just wanted to finish and home to my three favourite people" he beamed back as he lifted Alfie into his arms. "I managed fine today, i had a few hiccups. but i took a breather and got back to it" I finished giving Aubrey her bedtime bottle. "i knew you could, you know why? because you are an incredible beautiful woman! super mom!" he always knew how to make me laugh.
It was 7:30pm by the time the twins went off to sleep. I had missed my long bubble baths, so i decided to have one whilst Leyton was on baby watch. Its the little things like this that makes you miss it when you become a parent. As i lay back and relax, I think about how greatful i am to be where i am, i mean sure my life probably would be a hell of a lot different then to now. But i don't regret it.
My phone buzzed, i reached over after i dried my hand. Grace flashed up on the screen along with her message, *I was hoping i can come over and talk to you, April. tomorrow.* - My heart says no but my head says yes, she is the grandmother but they are my children but she is Leytons mother. *Sure. lunch time.* i sighed as i pressed send.
Well no going back now.
The twins slept through the night until 6 this morning, i felt like a new woman!! As i look over both of their cribs both of there bright blue eyes staring at me cooing. I placed Aubrey in the sling across my chest and carried Alfie in my arms, Leyton was still asleep i didn't wanna wake him so i fed them both myself, surprisingly, i guess i was pacing alot knowing Grace was coming at lunchtime. She was like the unknown you just never know what she wants to talk about.
Leyton got up at 10am, strolling down the stairs looking slightly confused as to why I left him asleep. "I didn't wanna wake you ... were all good down here" I smiled as a brewed him a coffee.
"I don't doubt that you wasn't good!!""I'm nervous for your mum to come today! I don't even know what she wants"
I sighed as I wash and sterilise the bottles. "We haven't spoken. I wouldn't know. But I'm proud of you for doing this"
"Just to hear her out, but I won't let her near the twins until I know she's accepting us"
"That's fair baby. I won't be here though I've got meetings" his facial expression changed."It's fine I'll call you if I need you ..."
It was noon - the door bell rang - Jane had the twins in the other room I wasn't going to let Grace see them straight away.
I opened the door with a smile. "Grace. Come in, please"
This was it.

Only his surrogate
Romance"Its simple. you give me a baby. I pay you double of what was offered." Leyton says in a dark tone. no feeling what so ever. I knew nothing about him? and now suddenly he wants my ovaries for a baby? April Rhodes was a struggling 22 year old living...