Fifty Seven.

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- April -

Its true what they say, enjoy every minute of your wedding because it goes within a blink of an eye. It was 11:00pm, my dad was driving back they had an early start tomorrow, it was shit because i barely saw them. and now they have to leave.

"we will come visit soon i promise! thanks for everything!" i smiled as i waved them off outside. "make sure you do ... we miss you" mom smiled. "Miss you too, love you get home safe!"

I watched as they drove off. 
As I turned to go back inside bright lights came towards me, full speed. The next thing I knew I was being flown across the ground full speed.

What the fuck is happening?

"So much for a happy ending, I told you I'd be back when you wasn't pregnant ... congratulations, Mrs Stevens"
Was all I heard before it went black. The car drove off as my eyes flickered ... my phone, I remembered I had my phone ... the pain rushing through my body was excruciating.
I had Leyton on speed dial. I pressed call. ... it rang and rang until it answers on the fourth ring "April? Where are you? Everyone's leaving!" He calls above the music it sounded like he was outside.

"Help ... me ...." I managed to gasp as I breathed through. My phone slipped from my hand ... my eyes closing ... "April .... where are you? ..."

- Leyton -
The party was a hit. It went quick. People started leaving around 11, April left to go outside to wave her family goodbye. But she was gone longer than expected.
I was mingling with some friends when I got a phone call. It was April. I took it outside.
"April? Where are you? Everyone's leaving!"

It was all muzzled. It sound liked April was outside when she answered "Help ... me" my heart was frantic. What was going on?
"Frankie, can you take the twins?!" I called out. "Yeah!! Is everything ok?" - "I don't know!" "Ok well, I'll take them home with me don't worry!" She calls out as I run into the drive way and look out on to the road ...

In the distance, she lays there lifeless ... I run as fast as my legs could carry me. She was covered in blood, her pulse was weak!
"911 ... ambulance please"

This can't be happening again .... not again

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