Thirty three

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"Good morning baby" I hear as I softly blink my eyes open adjusting to the light weeping through the window.
"Mmm good morning" I mumble with my tired voice. A soft kiss was planted upon my lips.

"Any plans today?" He questions.
"No I have a day off thankfully, i feel exhausted today! Why?"
"Because I decided to take the day off too. And I was thinking about a pregnancy spa day for you?"
Could he get any more perfect? Hearing those words spa. Made me weak at the knees.

"Now that sounds like a marvellous idea!" I smiled with a chirp tone as Jane walks into the bedroom with breakfast.

"Perfect. We leave in an hour, enjoy your breakfast, baby" he winks.

What is he doing?


I could hide my emotions well thankfully, she had no idea how nervous I appeared. I got her breakfast in bed, the spa day was planned ... this was the first step.

The next was lunch in the beautiful restaurant in the spa after our massages.
I wanted to make this extra special for April yet not show her how nervous I was.
I had the jeweller bringing me the ring in about half an hour I knew by then April would be getting showered and ready which was the perfect opportunity to quickly call her parents and speak with her dad for approval.

"That was delicious, these two definitely enjoyed that ... I'm gonna go shower before we leave babe" she yawned making her way to the bathroom.

Then the door rang, I rushed downstairs and greeted the the jeweller at the door, he presented me a small white box and inside was a glistening ten carrot white gold diamond ring. It was perfect.

We finished our business and I had to call Her parents before she finished showering I had approximately five minutes.
"Leyton, darling is everything ok?"
"Hi Susan, yes all is perfectly fine. I've actually called to speak with John"
She looked surprised as did he when he came to the phone.
"Leyton my boy, how are you?" He says in his deep but cheerful tone.
"Great. And you sir?"
"Better. How can I help?"
I didn't speak I just showed him the ring. His face was speechless. "I would like your permission first" was all I said before I could hear squeals of excitement from behind him.

"Welcome to the family" John beamed next to his wife, and Jennie. I will take that as an approval.

I slipped the ring into my jacket pocket and went back upstairs to pack our spa day belongings.

This is it, the day I'm going to ask April to become my wife.

I don't know if it's the hormones from pregnancy or not but everytime I see Leyton I just want to rip his clothes off and just have sex with him!

I put those thoughts to the back of my mind while I dried off and got changed into my black leggings and a flower top before styling my hair.

"Beautiful .." I heard him say as I finished. "I don't deserve you"

"I know" I winked. "Can we go now?"
He double checked he had everything before we set off.

Get me to the masseuse, I needed some tender loving care.

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